Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If You Can Skip

"Xanthe, we have to go home and do your reading."

"Mom, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"My music teacher said that if you can skip, you can read.  And I can skip."

"Hmm.  Unfortunately, that's not true."

"Oh.  Well, that teacher is weird."

Xanthe is getting so funny.  At piano, I realized that she doesn't know the difference between before and after.  That's something I thought kids were able to kindof pick up on without too much explanation, but that was before I had Xanthe.  After piano today, I know I have to work with Xanthe on that concept.

Another thing I thought would come naturally to Xanthe is using the eye that can actually see when she's looking for something.  When she couldn't find her shoes and I was able to find them quickly, she said, "But remember?  My eye?"  I jokingly told her to use the eye that can see when she looks for things.  She answered, "OH!  I was using THIS eye," pointing to the one that can't see well.  Good excuse, Xanthe!

This morning was Xanthe's long-awaited field trip.  Ari took her over to the school in the morning to ride the bus to some museum.  Usually she goes to school in the afternoon, so it was pretty exciting.  Ten minutes later, I got a call from the school.  Apparently, the teacher didn't have Xanthe's permission slip and didn't think she was going.  It's probably crushed in the bottom of her backpack.  Whatever.  So the teacher wanted to know if Xanthe had my permission to go.  Gee, no, she doesn't.  I wondered where she was!  She must have gotten herself ready against my wishes, sneaked out of the house and walked to the school at the exact right time to catch the bus, even though she can't tell time and thinks Vendreday is a day of the week.  (That's Franglais.)  Did I mention before and after are still a challenge? 

Of course she has my permission to go, dingbat.  It's free babysitting, isn't it?

Can you tell I'm hitting the end-of-school wall?  I'm already boycotting all requests for toilet paper rolls and glue sticks.  I admit, I'm the one with the problem.  The teachers are great.  I'm willing to bet they're even more ready for summer than I am!


The homestead said...

We are also hitting the wall. Now if the weather would just cooperate.

Jennie said...

Free babysitting - I love it! Sometimes don't you just hate all the red tape of life?

Jeff said...

Maybe that music teacher meant that if you can skip, then you have the capacity to master the mental coordination of reading, too? Except that makes kids think reading should be as effortless as skipping. What a silly comparison. Where's the music in all that profound music instruction?

I'd love your take on that massive pink handout that came home this week with the spreadsheet of teacher preferences, down to favorite lotion scent. (It might be in someone's backpack.)

Jeff said...

Aargh! Jeff never looks at school handouts. It's really me, Jennifer.

C and MC said...

"dingbat" hilarious.

It is funny you mentioned before and after associated with the piano. We have a video of me at the piano saying that I learned the song the day after tomorrow, because the day before tomorrow would be today.

After/Before Yesterday/Tomorrow, these things are CONFUSING!

Marilyn said...

Thats is funny about the skipping--I've heard that too. We are having a baby boy--I'll be induced on Monday if I don't go into labor before then. We are excited. I am nervous and exhausted. I love reading about all of your adventures in the Dopp family.

Nate said...

Xanthe makes me laugh. I am just waiting for Emi to tell me her teacher is weird (or her parents!). I love Xanthe's eye reasoning. Good luck with before AND after.

Anonymous said...

Skipping and reading. That doesn't even make sense. I tried to reason it out for five minutes, but no luck. Stupid comparison.

laurel said...


Kristi said...

Oh, that girl! I could just eat her up. I love that face, and every story you share. She is one of a kind!