Friday, April 22, 2011

Prince Tolleeee

When Ptolemy was born, he was so perfect and precious.  I don't know how he did it, but he got more perfect.  He is so perfectly adorable that it's hard for anyone to get anything done.  All we do is watch Ptolemy, laugh at him and then tell each other what he just did that was so cute.  There is a constant stream of commentary on Tolly's every move.  "Did you hear Tolly?  He said 'I wanna get candy!'"  "Did you see Tolly?  He climbed up on the counter and then laughed at me!"  Whenever he learns a new word, everyone claims to have taught it to him.

I recently heard Tolly in his crib, crying.  When I picked him up, he said, "Ooooh Mama!  I cryin'!  Oooooh, Mama!  I cryin'!"  He used the same "It's OK" voice that I use when I'm comforting him.  It was so cute that I kept telling people about it.  Ptolemy started getting embarrassed and ran to a corner to hide.  Now, when we tell funny stories about him, he covers his eyes.  Cuuuute!

Suddenly, this little guy speaks in complete sentences.  His all-purpose phrase is "Ayannna,"as in "I want."  Ayanna go!  Ayanna see!  Ayanna cookie!  Cake!  Ayanna donut!  Ayanna get out!" He is very polite.   Whenever you give him something or do something for him, he says with gusto, "Thank you!  Thank you, Mama!"  He says, "Hep you!  Hep you!"  when he needs help climbing up on something that's too high or opening something he shouldn't be opening.  He broke a doorknob hanging on it screaming, "Owside!!  Owside!!  Ayanna go owside!!  Obenit!!  Obenit!!"  (Open it, another frequent request.)  He goes around the room demanding high fives from everyone.  "High fie!  High fie!"  Because everyone is always trying to get Ptolemy to say things, he tries to teach the dogs to talk.  The other day, he was trying to get Star to say "yummy."  He took a bite of a cracker and said to Star, "Say yummy, Star!  Yummy!"

He mimicks everything he hears, so that if two people are having a conversation, the last word of each sentence is echoed is a darling, cheerful, enthusiastic voice.

Golda, did you get your ballet shoes?
Yes.  Is is time to go?
Yes, go get in the car.
But I can't find my script for play practice.
Pay pacsik!!
See if Ruby has it.
Meebee hab it!!

There's so much cuteness in the air all the time, it's intoxicating!

Another favorite of Ptolemy's is, "No night night."  Now at bedtime, he says, "No night night.  A show!  Ayanna watch a show!  A fun!"  We were listening to music in the car, and it went from fast to slow.  Ptolemy said, "No music night night!  A fiano no night night!"  So funny that he thought the piano might have to go to sleep if the music was soft.

I guess I've made it clear that Prince Tolleeee, fabulousleeee (sung to the Aladdin song Prince Ali) is everyone's favorite baby.  As soon as I finish this post, it will be outdated by the latest thing PT has done.  He is learning so fast and having so much fun doing it, he makes life a song.  A fast song, because we don't want to think about going night night.  It's too sca-eee!


love.boxes said...

He's amazing. He's kind of an early talker. That's a lot for a little guy! Good job Tolleee :)

Jennie said...

I have to whole heartedly agree. The other day, when he finally said Jen-nee TO ME, rather than to someone else, it about melted my heart. He is a muffin!!!!

michelle said...

He is such a sweetie! I can't imagine any of us not having him around. Thanks for getting him here!

laurel said...

Beautiful pictures!!!
He is so cute and growing so much.

Eliza2006 said...

So cute! We sing "Price Sollie fabulous he" to Sollie too. For some reason, I love that Tolly and Sollie have rhyming names. They are destined to be friends!

Jennifer said...

He surely knows how loved he is. Frame this post to put in his room when he's a teenager in case he forgets. Or better yet, in your own room when he's a teenager.

Kristi said...

There is nothing quite like having a little one in your home... I miss that more than I can say.