Friday, April 29, 2011

Why Royals Matter

Photo by Reuters
Some jaded souls will say that a royal wedding doesn't matter, that it is all meaningless fluff, and why don't we devote our attention to something important?  I say a royal wedding does matter.  This ancient pomp and circumstance is a light to the world, it really is.  As "down-to-earth" as William and Kate are, they are also a symbol of tradition, order, dignity, political structure, grace and respect to one's place in the world.  Those are heavy burdens for mere mortals, which makes their polished handling of events even more impressive.  Here are two people, backed by two families (one royal, one unaccustomed to the spotlight) who have the stately ability to carry off a beautiful wedding with nary a brash or tacky misstep, amidst a crazy media frenzy.  This is how a classy man and woman carry themselves, and I am glad to have their example for my kids.

You know what truly doesn't matter?  Disney princesses, Hollywood starlets in rehab, teen idols doing half-naked photo shoots, sports icons lying under oath, pop stars' personal lives exposed for the tragic shams that they are.  The real deal is the British royal family, in spite of all their human foibles.  So dream of being a princess, daughters.  Just dream of being one who doesn't necessarily crave the spotlight, but is poised and modest when she's in it.  Be a princess who can live life with restraint and carry the day with dignity when duty calls.  And be prepared intellectually and spiritually to rise the the occasion, no matter what your calling in life.  You know why you're princesses, girls, and it has nothing to do with pink sparkly baubles.


Anonymous said...

Good post! Its Will and Kate, not Harry and Kate. :)
P.S. This post would be good to use for young womens

laurel said...

I was glad for the wedding today. think that the world is in a really bad place right now....has been for awhile. It is nice to see that tradition and love and order still exsists somewhere.

Marilyn said...

I liked this. Good thoughts.

Jennifer said...

Whew! Your thoughtful post perhaps justifies the way I gobbled up the internet coverage of this. I wanted to see! News outlets were all over Kate's dress, Kate's jewelry, Kate's make-up. I instead thought, Wow, what a confident, happy, gracious young woman. I don't know much about her, but I do know that kind of inner beauty cannot be faked. I am very impressed.

michelle said...

Did you watch the sermon the head of the Church of England-not sure what his real title is-gave after they took their vows? He said that all weddings are royal weddings as we are all sons and daughters of a king. Wasn't it nice to focus on something lovely and happy in world news today for a change?

Queen Elizabeth said...

My sentiments exactly, my dear Watson. (Why can't I stop speaking in a British accent?)

Nate said...

Hey Circe, Thank you so much for the cookies and note. Emi was really happy:) I didn't get home from work until after 4:00 yesterday. I had turned my cell phone off for a meeting and forgot to turn it on again so I didn't get your message until late last night. Anyway thank you so much! When the weather gets better let's meet at the park again.

Kristi said...

I agree with every word! I was talking to Jason about this very thing.... He just doesn't get the hoopla, and while I'm not a "royal watcher", I do find it all fascinating and somehow magical. William is a patriot - he loves his country, his people and their traditions. He carries an enormous burden, and has always done so with impressive grace and dignity. I wish them well, and hope they get their Happily Ever After.

love.boxes said...

I hope they'll be very happy and I loved the dress. I'm not a big fan of royalty, but I am a fan of courtly manners and I think Kate has Wm have been very graceful. Any example of good behavior is a good thing.