Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weight a Minute

Ptolemy weaned himself a couple of weeks ago.  One day when it was time to nurse, he looked up at me perplexed and said, "It's gucky."  And that was it.  Complete rejection, and not a moment too soon.  If a kid can actually articulate why he wants to stop nursing...?  Yeah, I know.  But he's my last baby!!

Anyway, I've been ballooning up since the weaning, and now I'm NINE pounds overweight.  Only through the strictest self-discipline was I able to put that thought out of my head all week while I was pounding back cookies and Seacoast Pizza at the beach.  28-inch chicken-bacon-garlic-ranch pizza.  Grease was dripping off my chin.  But don't worry, the cookies absorbed the grease.

Now I'm back to my senses and not enjoying my thighs being twice the size they should be. So this is (maybe) the last picture you'll see of me (for awhile) snarfing down junk food as fast as I can.  Once I'm down to my usual size, however, you could see me once again with a giant bag of kettle corn, freshly popped, or a big bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough, or a buttery dose of Kaysville Theater popcorn, extra extra butter.  Or just a big stick of butter.

Until then, it's all veggies and fruits and lots of water.  If you see me, would you be so kind as to ask me if I've lost any weight?  Avoiding public humiliation is a big motivator, despite what my kids might think when I go out of the house with mismatched socks and magenta hair.  Thanks for your help!

1 comment:

michelle said...

Want to join Jenn R and I? We have been reporting our success or lack of it to each other at lunch. I hate getting older.