Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Saturday

 At Grannie Annie's

After the Easter egg hunt, most of the Dopps went directly to Grannie Annie's for a big breakfast.  I'm notorious for hating breakfast restaurants, but I did make an appearance in between driving Ari's ballet carpool and dropping off Ruby, then Golda, at play practice.  The real food event was later at Grandma and Grandpa's, so I was really just holding out for the good stuff!

Grandpa grilled hamburgers and chicken and Grandma prepared a big, delicious meal.  Michelle's Easter bunny relish tray was a big, adorable hit, and her chocolate eggs were probably the reason I forgot to take pictures.  I was in a sugar coma on the couch for most of the afternoon, and it was great.  Scott and I managed to pull ourselves away for a fun evening with some friends.  This is a little group that tries to get together at Christmastime, so we're a little behind the 8 ball this year, but it was a fun "Christmas" party.  Golda, Ruby, Ari and Lexie went to a dance performance at the high school and Michelle took the littles home and dyed Easter eggs with them.  Thanks, Michelle!  She said Ptolemy only put up the tiniest fight when he went to bed.  I think we all wore ourselves out with fun, but it was a great day. 

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