Monday, April 25, 2011

Crash and Burn

This was Xanthe at about 5:00 Sunday night.  Easter finally got the best of her.  This morning, Ruby is in bed with a migraine and a pillow over her eyes.  Araceli came down with a cold and shivered her way to bed early last night.  Freestone had something worse, but not too contagious: a practicing meltdown.  After a screaming time-out, he managed to have a happy practice time.  Then, standing at the door in his parka and backpack, he started whimpering that he didn't feel good.  Ooooooh, well now the meltdown makes sense.  I unpacked him and tucked him back into bed with a couple of mutts to keep him company. 

This is what happens when you get high on sugar and party like it's 1999.


Catherine said...

So many sick bunnies! Sure hope your kiddos are feeling better soon.

Jennie said...

Oh shoot. I'm sorry you guys are not feeling well. I'l call you after school to see if I should keep Collin or send him with Jake.

Michelle said...

To be honest I have been waiting for it to hit us again, it seems like the whole world is sick! At least they got to do Easter!

sws said...

Seems like that always happens after a good party. I hope you are feeling well soon!

Kristi said...

Oh no! Hopefully everyone is just junked out and you'll have happy, healthy kids again soon. The picture of Xanthe cracks me up. :)

love.boxes said...

Easter was a whirlwind... time to take a rest... That's how you do it Xanthe! Feel better everyone!