Thursday, April 21, 2011

By The Way

Who is this adorable baby girl??

I can't help it.  I just can't.  Amy Chua's daughter has a blog, and I love it.  The tiger cub speaks!  Check it out.  Oh, and Xanthe had a(nother) birthday party.  It was a Sugarplum Fairy party because she planned it back in December, and it was adorable.  I kept it to an hour because that's about the maximum length of time you can entertain kids with absolutely no advance planning.  Golda, Ruby and Ari dressed up in some old ballet costumes and did the girls' hair and make-up.  They got a little carried away with my expensive eyeliner and drew pictures on everyone's cheeks, but hey.  The girls loved it.  Aunt Michelle kept watch on the boys in the basement at their completely separate Bey Blade party.  The two groups came together for cake and ice cream at the end.  It was fabulous!  Grandma made a beautiful cake, for which I was very, very grateful.  Every child got a frosting flower and everyone was happy.  Thank you, Grandma!  The funniest part of the party was that Xanthe could not, for the life of her, blow out the candles.  After each failed attempt, she cracked up.  After several tries, the other kids stepped it.  It looked like she was aiming wrong.  I wondered about her depth perception with the bad vision in her left eye, but it was a hoot.  Oh, that kid!  Love her!


The Brown Family said...

Cute birthday girls {and boy :)}!

And thanks for the link- I'm excited to check out the tiger cub's blog.


Jennifer said...

Xanthe looks beautiful!

love.boxes said...

All the ballerinas look so lovely!