Monday, March 16, 2015

Thai Housewarming

 I told my Sunday School class that I had to leave a minute early to go to my aunt and uncle's Buddhist housewarming ceremony.  It was the only thing I said the whole class time that truly got them to look up from their phones. ;)  (Granted, we were using the devices for the lesson; I'm just giving them a hard time.)

It was wonderful to walk into Jim and Da's new home and feel the peaceful spirit the monks brought with their reverent chanting.

 Jessie and Araceli cleaning up from the abundant and delicious food prepared by Da's friends.  They even made us fair-skinned cousins a special rice dish because, as Da's friend and I laughingly agreed, I'm not strong enough to handle "real" Thai food.  She was right; even the special dish was spicy to me!
 In Thai culture, families place a little house near the front door where the spirit ancestors can live.  As they reside there, they protect the home.
 String extended all the way around the house and yard, and the monks held onto the string as they prayed, invoking protection upon the house.  At the end, each member of the family gets a piece of the string tied around their wrist as a monk gives them a blessing.
 Danny, Ruby and Nana Ruby.  Ruby has my calendar out, planning a segment of their summer in Europe that hopefully Danny will be able to go on with them.
 Xanthe, Nana, Mary and Jim.  I wish I had gotten pictures of Mark and Marla and Dan and Judith.  It was fun to chat with them!
 Thanks, Jim and Da, for inviting us to your beautiful home.  We really do have the best family.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Is that a watermelon carved into roses? Impressive.