Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Magic Flute

When Golda started playing the flute six years ago, I began looking forward to the day she would discover the joy of playing in an orchestra. When she would complain about practicing, I'd tell her, just wait! Someday you'll play in a group and all your friends will play too, and it will open up all kinds of doors for you. You'll love it. From the moment I first played in the orchestra in 5th grade, I fell in love. I had a wonderful teacher, and I sat on the edge of my seat in the very front, taking in every word he said, watching his baton and following. By the time I was a senior in high school, I played in four orchestras and went to concerts and recitals every Friday and Saturday night. In college, majoring in violin performance, I had even more opportunities. With hundreds of music majors, there were recitals every 75 minutes in the recital hall, not to mention a full season of ballet, opera and orchestra performances, many of which I got to take part in.

That was my passion, a love that I was certain my children would share. Last night was Golda's first band concert. Up until the concert, there had been no inkling that Golda did anything but tolerate her participation in the Symphonic Band. During the performance, though, I saw her share glances with fellow flute players, I saw her smile and I noticed her watching the conductor, understanding the music. She looked gorgeous! Aha! She was enjoying it, I know she was. Truth be told, hardly anything resembling music came out of all the noise being produced. The acrobatic "performance art" my kids were executing with their folding chairs as props was more akin to an artistic endeavor than what was happening onstage. Nevertheless, there was a Gershwin piece that was good and there was promise of future greatness. Afterwards, no complaint from the little flutist. I think maybe, she might get what I've been talking about. She's twelve, so this could be the last time that happens for awhile!


The Brown Family said...

I love when those long-term parenting investments pay off!!


Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...

oops. I meant to say you were great for exposing your other kids to such "culture." (I use the term loosely.) I thought they were extraordinarily well behaved. And Ari's line, upon seeing that Golda wasn't in all the bands, was classic. "We're watching strangers?"

Michelle said...

I hope my kids gain the same love of music!

Jennie said...

Well done Golda! I'm sure you were wonderful. Shoot, if we weren't all sick around here we would have loved to come and hear you play.

The homestead said...

James "caught the vision" when he started to play in the orchestra. I love that he enjoys to play now.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Golda. The flute has such a beautiful sound.

laurel said...

HOw wonderful! I hope it is a life long love for yer.