Thursday, October 15, 2009

This Little Piggy Went to the Health Department

If I were at a job interview and someone asked me what my worst quality is, I would immediately answer, "Impatience." Immediately, because I don't like to waste time.

Driving the junior high carpool today, I said to Xanthe, "I'm going to count to two, and I want your seatbelt on." One of the junior high boys said, "Uh, don't people usually count to three?"

I said, "I don't have time."

I'm in a car, we're on the road, and I don't have time to count to three? I have got to get a hold of myself. Recently, I overheard Xanthe in the back seat of the car saying, "What is this guy doing? Why doesn't he get out of my way?!" We were at a red light. I looked up from my book (What. Red lights are long enough to read a page or two.) and Xanthe was glaring angrily out the window.

So imagine how much agony I was in yesterday at the thought of going to Salt Lake to get the Swine Flu vaccine. The journey was comprised of four elements that are guaranteed to send an inpatient person over the edge. A government agency, long lines, six kids in a car and rush-hour traffic. Just one of those components is enough to make my head explode.

Once we got there, I was surprised at how quickly the line moved, how efficient the workers were, how easy the vaccine was and how smooth the traffic was coming back. Before I had a chance to rant about slow drivers in the fast lane, we were home and theoretically protected from the Swine Flu. (I'm not going to say H1N1. It's boring.) Thanks to Emily for giving me the heads-up on the flu clinic. Here's hoping our piglets are protected. I just wish there were a nasal mist that could make me more patient. I'll have to cure that ill on my own.

1 comment:

laurel said...

Funny, funny! You really make me laugh. I am not sure what to do about the vaccine. I am not sold yet. Currently we are gargling with salt water twice a day and swabing our noses with salt water. Apparently this has the same effect on a non-infected person who gets infected as the tamiflu has on an infected one. Who knows. I need to HURRY up and make up my mind.