Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Big Baby

This little boy has been a bear lately.  A cute bear, but still more of a handful than the docile baby who used to snuggle up in my arms during a movie.  Now he has to sit on the high stools at the counter with the other kids.  He has to pile on when the kids wrestle.  He has gotten decked in the face several times trying to join in on the Wii dance game, but he still tries.  Yesterday in the car, I stopped at a red light and he started badgering me.  "Go, Mama!  Ayanna go!  Ayanna get out, get a burger!  Get out, get a burger!  Go!  Yes, go!"  He was so frustrated at not being able to make the car move.  When someone is carrying him, he controls their motions by pointing and grunting, but it doesn't work with a car.

He was crying in the car today when we dropped Ruby off.  "Ayanna get out, go Meebee!"  I said, "You're my little baby boy!"  And he shouted, "No no baby boy!"  I said, "Are you my big boy?"  He said, "Mama big boy."

I didn't know he had an opinion on that, but I guess I should get used to having my baby - I mean BIG - boy have an opinion on everything.  He did relent and go down for a nap without a fuss.  When I put him in his crib, he said, "OK, Mama.  You the most!"  That's Tolly language for "Love you the most," what the big kids say at bedtime.  It's cute enough to melt you heart, but I miss "Waaaaa!" a little bit!


C and MC said...

You are the most. It is so fun to have these realizations around the same time with our little men.

Julia said...

Very Cute. I remember cuddling him during a nap at the cabin when he was a baby. Is that a cinnamon roll in his hand? You can expect me for breakfast the next time you have those :)

Kristi said...

He really is extra cute. It is tough to see that last little one start growing up. But yes, he will always be your baby.