Monday, May 2, 2011

Emergency Backpacks

Our mudroom is a constant battle.  It's where the junk from the rest of the house piles up.  The only reason the rest of the house is tidy is that all the stuff that's not messing up the rest of the house is usually in big piles in the mudroom.  We clean it out, but like a cancer, the stuff starts creeping back in.  Scott did an overhaul of the mudroom this weekend, reducing the piles to a few backpacks and a bin full of tights and leotards.  This morning, Freestone couldn't find his coat and I told him it was in the mudroom closet.  He whined, "But there's no closet in there!"  OK, I'm starting to see why he always had a problem putting his coat away in the closet.  Plus the fact that the closet door was hard to open (or see, apparently) because of all the coats and gloves and shoes piled up in front of it.

So anyway, now that the mudroom is clean, I have lots of extra backpacks, gloves, jackets and shoes.  Rather than giving it all away, I'm going to finally put together the backpack 72-hour kits we should have in case of emergency.  Compiling all the ideas I've seen online, I think I have most of what I need for each person, but I want to get all of your good ideas and helpful tips on 72-hour kits.  If we had to leave our house suddenly and were able to grab each person's backpack, what would we need to have in those backpacks?  I'm thinking we would be in a hotel or shelter, or possible even outside or in our car.  I'm planning for winter because I hate to be cold. 

OK, all you experts.  I'm ready for your ideas!  What is the best, high-protein, long-lasting food to put in?  Thanks!


Brittany said...

We each have about a half a pack of granola bars in ours. Great post!

love.boxes said...

Candy. Because you don't want whining in an emergency and mouths full of candy don't usually whine ;) We have Jolly Ranchers in ours. I thinkt they have a 30 year shelf life.
I also keep mine stocked with allergy everything. I'm not a great camper.

Amber said...

Good for you!! Water and even a water purifier would be good. They have small purifiers the size of a water bottle that are supposed to be good for anything-- streams, snow, etc. MRE's are supposed to last forever and have huge calories- not sure how good they are. Diapers and wipes would be a necessity.

michelle said...

Our shelf life isn't great. I had a hard time finding things my picky eaters would eat that had a long shelf life. I found nuts, dried fruit and granola bars that would hold for six months and then I plan on changing them out during general conference every six months. I was also sure to add feminine prducts and all our favorite allergy meds cause the thought of not having them freaked me out. I also stuck a roll of tp in each backpack. It is funny how many things I keep finding to stick in them. It does make me feel better having them.

Julia said...

Our ward (I was in charge) did 72 hr food kits in a #10 can (in case of flooding and mice can chew through mylar bags) and I have a spreadsheet of it if you would like it. Because we did it in bulk it came out to about $9 per person. I will do a blog tomorrow on my kits. I got mine done when my mom came to help me with Lawson my last baby. What do we do when Mom comes? A project. I love it. I labeled mine by sex and age. Like "8-10yr Girl". Or "Infant", or "Adult Male" and since he doesn't need tampons I specified the sex. Call me if you go to do your packs before I do a blog because we did a lot like duck tape to 1 adult pack, rope, money, legal papers, wipes (buy large bag then divide into baggies. Anyway, give me your email and I will send you this excel sheet for the 72 hr food kit in a #10 can. It is a great Super Saturday activity too. Love you, Julia

Julia said...

We could do a potluck lunch at a park and put together these 72 hr Food Kits with the DeBry cousins (and anyone who wanted to). It would be a fun get together.

Jennifer said...

Not a food item, but a deck of cards is my suggestion. Does any brand still sell PB in a tube? (like a go-gurt.).

Funny, I had this same idea for my extra backpacks, but I'm sure it will remain just an idea while you go gangbusters!

Jennifer said...

Hee hee. I should probably clarify that PB is peanut butter. Although if you were thinking PB for Pottery Barn, then a tube of it is probably all I could afford.

Nate said...

Not sure about the rest but I would make sure to include chocolate:) It was fun to see you today. Thank you again for dinner:)

laurel said...

Awesome. We have all been sick....missed catching up on blogs. Yours was so fun! Thanks.