Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End Is Near

If you could take a snapshot that summarized my day, a moment in time to remember May 2011 by, it would be me sitting on the floor of the elementary school lunch room, video taping Freestone and all the second graders singing in French.  I'm glancing at the clock calculating when I'll have to leave to run Ari to ballet and how late I can realistically be for the Young Womens activity I'm partly in charge of, which has just started without me.  Ptolemy is eating his way through a pack of gum and Xanthe is on her tummy, vigorously mopping the floor with the front of her dress.  Right then, my mom comes up behind me and whispers, "Pull the back of your shirt down."  Yes, my hips (and everything in between), which should have been comfortably ensconced in a pair of pants, were on the loose, definitely overflowing their banks.  I hope I didn't get in the way of any cameras, but it's hard to imagine that I didn't.  What, with jr. high carpool, a voice lesson, baseball practice, two dance classes, searching the neighbors' backyards for Ptolemy, a piano lesson, a costume fitting, the second grade program, the U2 concert, play practice, the YW Mother-Daughter activity and a couple violin lessons to teach, I guess I didn't get around to harnessing all of my body parts and stuffing them into acceptably-sized clothing.  I was kindof counting on my clothes to just fit me, but - oh no! - fashion doesn't work that way. 

Thankfully, we don't have that snapshot.  Just this one:

Freestone did a great job of pretending he doesn't hate to sing and an even better job of blushing under all the praise he received at the end.  It was an awesome day, minus the tiny pants and short shirt.  Everything turned out just right, I got my three dozen cupcakes to the church on time, play practice finally ended at 10:00, and all the kids got home safely.  (Except Scott, who is still hangin' out with Bono and the gang.)  As the last stragglers headed to bed, Ari yawned and said, "Oh, my book report is due tomorrow."  Gee, how could I have forgotten?  I'm sure we'll have time to invent a board game based on Number the Stars tomorrow morning.  Right now, I have to walk Golda over to Coco's to print off an English paper.  Due tomorrow, of course.  Then we can all breathe a sigh of relief.  Oh wait.  Tomorrow we have major violin repairs, a cello lesson, five dance classes, a flute lesson, a baseball game, lunch with out-of-town friends, a babysitting job, visiting teaching, a violin lesson and the Falcon Finale, where Golda is playing in the band and receiving an award.

Yep, it must be the end of the school year!  But hey, I still have time to waste blogging so it must not be all that crazy.  Or maybe we're all crazy and we don't even know it.  All I know is, I'm having a blast.  I burst into tears the other day imagining how quiet the house will be someday when Freestone leaves on his mission.  I'm not ready for any type of peace and quiet any time soon.  OK, maybe a little bit starting next Friday!!


Queen Elizabeth said...

Holy cow! I need a nap just after reading that post. Hang in there!

Jennie said...

I know right.... lately it seems a bit crazy and I don't even have the play to worry about. Hope Scott had fun. The stage alone looked amazing.

The homestead said...

I don't know how you do it all. You are incredible.

Brent and Debbie said...

Circe I love you!!!!

Michelle said...

I just keep telling myself two more weeks! My sister and I were saying this morning we can hardly wait to hear kids complaining they are bored!

Kristi said...

Great post. These finals weeks are insane. I don't think I've ever felt more ready for summer to come. Hang in there! (but not out there ;) )