Friday, May 27, 2011

Why I Didn't Do the Dishes Last Night

I was invited to go on a grand adventure.  Freestone called it "quite the hike," and it was.  I forget that extreme beauty is steps away from my house!  We walked all the way to Hod's Hollow where we emerged from the wilderness in the Hugies' backyard.  They were playing badminton and Ari called over the fence, "Do you have a band-aid?"  It's not every day that four people and two dogs barge into your yard, but the Hugies did, indeed, have a band-aid.  Scott picked us up at the cemetery (walking up Crestwood?  Paid my dues when I was a kid!) and we were back home, magic streaming off our shoes.  Dishes?  Who cares.


Kristi said...

Good call. I never do dishes at night. No, really.

Love the pictures - they have that magical, dusky glow about them.

Michelle said...

You made the right choice!

C and MC said...

Sounds wonderful. (P.S. My bro told me last night that I am a little late to the game with the braid and that is why nobody commented on it. So THANKS for not caring that my fashion sense is years behind.)

Jennie said...

Yeah for not doing the dishes. You have to capitalize on this good weather now. Pretty soon it is going to be unbearable hot and all we'll be able to do is wave to each other from our lounge chairs by the pool. Wait a minute... that doesn't sound so bad. Bring on summer! Have a good wknd you guys!

Jennifer said...

Your headline made me think this was going to be about the band concert. Hey -- it's why I didn't do the dishes. Wait, I did. This morning.

Nate said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend an evening with your kids:)