Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two Choices

 As Ptolemy's people, we have two choices.  Carrying him around, catering to his every whim, or THIS:

Or this:
 Don't mind the extremely messy yard and garage.  It was in the midst of a big overhaul, which has since been finished, but who cares with all the RAIN???  It doesn't matter, though.  Ptolemy is enough sun to light up my world.  At least Xanthe is ready for summer!

Aunt Michelle said, "Xanthe, I don't think you're going to need sunglasses today!"  Xanthe said, "But I'm ready for summer!"  It's good to know I'm not the only one Xanthe will argue with.  She's feisty enough to take on Mother Nature.  I just wish Xanthe would win this fight.  I'm ready for summer too!


michelle said...

Hmmm, two wouldn't be right around the corner would it? I think it means we are seasoned moms that this is so amusing! My favorite it Prestie sitting there like "what is with this kid? somebody make it stop" I sure hope X works things out with Mother Nature cause I am done with this wet business!

love.boxes said...

Pt.. knows that he's the youngest and has to act accordingly. :)

Hey Circ.. if any of the kids have a recital, could we be invited. C needs to write a report for her music class and needs a concert to go to. :)
Also, voice changed to Monday nights and we can pick up G if that would be helpful :)

Nortorious said...

Are Ptolemy and Silas close in age? I'm dealing with the same neediness. He was born 12/09. It's hard.

laurel said...

I am sorry...I an laughing so hard! It is just funny when it happens to someone else. Or maybe it is funny becuase it is nice to know I am not alone.

You are so great!