Friday, May 6, 2011

Ruby's Delay

 Dear Ruby,
Brilliant paper on Hamlet's Delay!  I love the symbolism of not finishing the paper and leaving it sitting around the kitchen for two weeks.  That powerful statement (leaving the paper unfinished) underscored Hamlet's inablility to decide what to do.  Further, my reaction to seeing the paper day after day mirrored Hamlet''s descent into madness.  How precient of you to know that I, as your teacher, would become part of the symbolism!  Hamlet tortured himself trying to decide what to do to avenge his father's death, just as you have probably been in agony trying to decide what to write after "Hamlet was..."  Just as Hamlet had to put on a happy face in public, you have done a remarkable job of appearing not to care in the least that you have a two-page paper due and no idea what to write.  (Is that an ink pen that I see before me, its handle toward my hand?...) Well, worry no more, Ruby.  I'm giving you an A-plus for creativity, use of irony and symbolism and just plain being a great kid.

Love, Teacher Circe
 P.S.  You look good with your new dance bag.  Good choice.  You certainly don't shop like Hamlet.  It's more of a Julius Caesar approach.  Veni vidi visa..."I came, I saw, I bought."


Michelle said...

Well done, now she can take it to her teacher where she can translate it for class into "Hamlets Delay, Dude!"

michelle said...

Love the new bag! Oh, and a teacher with a sense of humor!

love.boxes said...

Ha! Ha! HA!!!! :)