Saturday, February 18, 2012

Today at Chevron...

Getting back in the groove, I made a couple of stops after I took Ruby to ballet today.  As I was putting gas in my car, I made a horrifying realization.  I forgot my bobsled.  And anyone who so much as glanced in my direction would know it because I was wearing white pants.  (At this point in the year, I don't know if it's before or after Labor Day, but the white pants are the only ones I can fit both legs into right now, so that's what I was wearing.)  I'm sure those industrial strength paper towels they have at the gas station are for wiping your windshield, but I now know they can have other applications too.

I'm sorry for the graphic nature of this information, but if there is anything I've learned from being in a book club for 15 years, it's how to over-share.  Men, you may or may not know this, but anytime you get a group of women together, the conversation will eventually turn to childbirth and/or breastfeeding.  Every time.  So we all have to have our arsenal of horror stories, and I can definitely add this one to my list.  The fact that other women have their horror stories too is reassuring for times like these when I think, "I'm 40 years old.  Is getting my act together just never going to happen for me?!"  Maybe not, but what kind of boring addition would I be to book club if I never hemorrhaged at the gas pump?

What about you?  What's your book-club-worthy-labor-and-delivery/breastfeeding anecdote?  Men, you can play your own version of this game, but Scott will beat you.  You know he will.


Queen Elizabeth said...

Can't stop laughing to write something witty. All I know is that you are priceless.

Catherine said...

Oh Circe! So sorry this happened...but also thankful for the smile! :o) Tziporah's diapers can also be your saving grace in a pinch. ;o) I say you were creative!

Jennie said...

Oh shoot. That is NOT fun. I'm glad there were paper towels close at hand. Oh, and I call bull crap on you fitting in to your pants. I saw you today and you totally had on cute JEANS. I mean, who can fit into JEANS only a week out from giving birth. You look amazing.

Julia said...

Way to go Brain cells for thinking of using the window wipes!!!! Love the over sharing, maybe that is why I love fellow book clubbers too!

Jennifer said...

You know the discharge spiel the nurses give you about watching out for clots the size of marshmallows? I asked the nurse one time, "Mini or regular?" Stopped her in her tracks.