Thursday, February 9, 2012

Xanthe's Blanket

 See how Xanthe's left eye reflects the light differently?  That was one of the clues she had retinopathy.  
The retina doesn't let light through.  You can see it in a lot of the pictures we have of her.

When Xanthe saw the wonderfully soft and colorful blanket that Michelle made for Tziporah, she wanted one for herself.  She did a good job making her bed for ten days in a row and finally earned her blanket.  Xanthe does a great job of cleaning her room.  She likes to organize her shoes and spread out her many blankets on her bed.  And it takes a long time, so it's a good way to keep her busy.  She is a pint-sized little mystery.  She forgets the difference between before and after and couldn't find her way out of the school library recently, but she can tidy up her room like nobody's business.  We all have our strengths!  And the word strength is definitely one you can apply to Xanthe.

This morning before school, Xanthe and I took the fabric that I bought and made her soft blanket.  The pink fabric looks like it's covered with the world's most velvety roses.  Xanthe loves it and I love that she has something new and special of her own to snuggle up with when the new baby comes to town.  Sweet little Xanthe!  She deserves a pretty blanket for working so hard on reading, math and French, n'est pas?


Anonymous said...

So cute of her that she wanted her own little blankie! looks soft and cuddly!. I want one!...She is such a sweet little girl and it is important they have something when new little Tziporah makes her debut. You were sweet to make it for her this morning, only hours from Tziporah's entrance!..Good luck, thoughts and prayers are with you continually. Love, Tricia XO

Michelle said...

Seriously, you did this before school? Now who is amazing?! Good for you and cute Xanthe! What a great idea. Good luck tomorrow!

Jennie said...

It turned out so cute. I love that material - so soft! I hope the ballet was fun. I can't believe tomorrow is the day. So fun!