Friday, February 3, 2012

Heart Beats

Remember when I said it would all be smooth sailing from here?  Why did I say that?  I knew I would jinx myself!  That night, I woke up at 1:00 in the morning and the baby wasn't moving.  I ate some pie and drank some cold water and waited.  Nothing.  I called the hospital and told them I was coming in so they could check for a heartbeat.  It's better to know than to stay up all night worrying.

Scott drove me in and they put me in a gown.  As the nurse put the fetal monitor on my stomach, there was a period of time that seemed like the rest of eternity where she couldn't find a heartbeat.  The silence bent time and allowed for a frightening little movie of the rest of my life without Tziporah to flash across my mind.  After what was probably a total of three seconds, we heard the whoosh, whoosh and my existence clicked back into place.  Any longer and they would have had to resuscitate Scott!  He was feeling the same way.

We chatted with the nurse as Tizzy's heartrate spiked and dipped, just like it's supposed to.  The nurse got all my info in place for my induction next week, so I'm all set there.  At the end, I didn't realize the nurse had disconnected the monitor.  I said, "Look!  She's flatlining!"

"Yeah, because I turned it off."  Oh.

It's not often Scott and I go on a date to the hospital in the middle of the night, but romance is taking a back seat these days.  This is as good as it gets. But not as bad as it gets, apparently.  The next day, Scott was having irregular heartbeats and couldn't breathe.  He went to the doctor and had an EKG that determined that he has PVC, (premature ventricular contractions) where his heart muscles misfire a little bit.  Not dangerous, but very uncomfortable and scary.  The doctor said, "Is there anything in your life that may be causing you stress?  Are you getting enough sleep?"  Ha ha.  Scott just laughed.  Uh...gee, no, no stress at all.  I'm just about to have my seventh child, I spent the middle of the night at McKay Dee, I have to drive a kid somewhere about every thirty minutes and each one of those kids comes with their own set of complications.  Some go to bed at 11 ans some get up at 6.  Not to mention my job and the crazy woman that has been stalking me to get information about a case.  So no, I'm completely relaxed.

Poor Scott.  His heart is probably going crazy because he's been doing so much to help me so that I can be lazy and put my feet up at night.  What a guy.  But seriously, it really is smooth sailing from here.  I went in for another non-stress test this morning and everything is perfect.  With one small week to go, I feel almost euphoric.  All we need to do is convince Scott's poor heart that "every little thing...gonna be alright."  Easier said than done, trying to convince Scott's heart of gold to relax!  Yoga?  Meditation?  We'll fit that in right between having a baby and basketball practice.


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! There's nothing worse than being TOLD to relax. So glad everything is OK. You have been so helpful in picking up Emma. I am entirely free on Monday. If it would you help you in any small way, could I transport your girls for you? The whole kit and caboodle.

The homestead said...

Sounds like you all need a trip to the beach very soon. I wish I could tell you to cut things out of your life- but we're a terrible example. Good luck with the delivery!

Jennie said...

Oh my! You didn't tell me that. I'm glad he is okay. How scary. Yes... we just need to get through next week. I think we'll all be extra relieved to have Tz here.

Taylor Family said...

How scary I am glad everyone is ok. Let us know if you need anything this week.

laurel said...

I am so glad everything is okay with the baby! Those last few days can be so worrysome. We will put you in our prayers. Austin has PVC's all the time. In a 24 hour period he once had 14,000. That isn't normal for him. Usually it is just a few an hour. He is on meds to control them. They aren't bad like you said, but man they wear him out. They make his so tired/lighheaded especially when he has a lot. I am sorry to hear Scott has that too. They are a pain. Hope it stops for him once things calm down.

I just read a really good book I think you should read while recooperating (if you haven't already read it)....okay, you probably won't have time, but I know how you love to read.

The Poisonwood Bible. I just finished it. Wow. It was good.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

oh my heavens. That is so scary. We will be praying for you- and Scott!

Catherine said...

SCARY!! Glad to hear both heart beats are doing well!

Praying for you and your family.

sws said...

..and my heart stopped a few times reading this post. You two are amazing.

Michelle said...

Holy cow! How did I miss this? This should have gone out in a mass Shelter email! Cinnamon rolls that is all I can say. They will be there by Monday if not sooner! So glad all is okay, I know I am going to feel so much better when that little sweetie is here. I can only imagine how you guys feel!

Anonymous said...

I just had heart flutters reading this!..Talked to your dad last nite and he said "everyone is ok!!." I guess by that time you, baby "Z" and Scott were!..but to know you went through that I feel so bad for all. Glad everything is ok now, you are and always have been in my prayers and thoughts. Hang in there a few more days you, Scott and little "Z"..Let me know as soon as it happens..See on FB you are in PC...hoping that is taking some stress off...just adding a different kind, right? Love you all, Tricia and Miami family...XOXO Heavenly Father Bless you all...

Nate said...

Glad she is ok! Fun to see you at the CNY party:)