Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Son, February

This is a permission slip for...something.  (Don't know why the picture is upside-down.)  I signed it this morning, giving "February" permission to go on a field trip.  I think I meant "Freestone."  He's the one who caught the mistake.  Clearly, I am not equipped to get five kids off to school and still have two kids and a dog left over.  I've lowered my standards, but I can only go so low before the health department calls me on complaints that Xanthe has had the same ribbon in her hair for two weeks.  I can't do hair with one arm and I rarely have two anymore.  That's also why, when Xanthe came to me wearing components of at least four different outfits this morning, I sighed and said, "OK."  What else could I say after she chirped, "Don't I look adoooorable?!"  She kindof did look adorable, after all.  I hope some of those clothes were clean.  I know her teeth were, at least.  Xanthe brought home a tooth chart to fill in.  If she brushes and flosses at least four times a day for a week and turns in the chart, she gets a small prize.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??  And you know how Xanthe is about religiously filling in charts.  So now, in addition to, oh, roughly 58 hours of various packets and books each night, Xanthe is constantly brushing her teeth.  Hey, is this why she's not learning to read at school?  Because they learn about oral hygiene about 12 times a year?!?!

I'm not complaining.  I'm just freaking out.  I'll be fine in five minutes.  But I'll be freaking out again in ten.  But then I'll be fine.  So don't worry.  I'm just in shock that I am THIS person again:
Dang, it's been so long since I was the person with spit-up on her shirt whose toddler is watching his third episode of Barney and eating corn dogs.  I have got to get this gig under control!  I am so, so grateful to be right here, right now, with Scott and each of these precious kids.  This is exactly who I am, who I was always meant to be.  Scott and I were laughing at ourselves, carrying a carseat and doing the diaper bag thing.  I said, "I can't believe we're in this phase again!"  Scott said, "I know.  But we're really not.  It seems like it's just something we're doing for fun, but we're really in the older-kid stage."  So denial is working for him, and I'm totally willing to buy into it. :) Now I just have to find a way to do this with grace and without spit-up on my shirt.  And preferably without Barney.  And without signing any permission slips that put poor little February in danger.  I should maybe start reading those before I sign them.


Catherine said...

LOL! It sounds like you're handling this rough time with dignity and grace 'Circus'! ;o)

The homestead said...

LOVE this post! We all feel like this after a special baby comes home. I call it survival mode. Man it is hard to juggle so many things- you're doing great!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! have seven kids to take care of!..and you are handlinig it with humor, fun and dignity, as the one blogger always handle everything great, even if you call Freestone "February"..they both start with F anyway! that part right. Remember the phrase, "This too shall pass, and then you and Scott will be saying, remember when Tziporah did this, or that..and you will be missing the spit up and all the craziness! of a newborn!..Enjoy and are doing great. Speakng of Xanthe, remember when you were to meet your parents on their trip home from Europe with Golda and Bill and Terry and I were taking you to the airport with us and you came to me, having dressed yourself and putting about forty barets in your hair! thought you looked so beautiful, and you did!..and I let you go that way and did not try to change your individuality!...Love you, keep up the good work with all seven!...take a deep breath..XO Tricia

Jennie said...

Oh shoot..... those days of little ones are so hard. I almost didn't make it. In fact, on almost a daily basis I think to myself - Izzy will be in school ALL day next year. :) We are both ready for the new season. Hang in there. You can drop the littles off any time. That is what is great about my season. When littles only stay for stints, they are still cute and adorable. :)

C and MC said...

4 times a day?? Sounds like overkill. But because of this, you should add checking her poor gums for recession at least 4 times a day, if she brushes as much as she likes to fill in charts. :) Love teaching your girls, they are a delight.

Jennifer said...

Fooled me. I could've sworn that was an Izod sweater. (Wait -- I spent the early 80s in Colorado, was Izod as big here then?)

Before long you'll be old hat again at functioning with one arm. (Hee hee, I originally typed "hold at" -- isn't that the truth?!) Then you'll be regaling us with stories of all the things you can do while nursing.

I love how you can laugh at yourself. James and I can take pointers!

Nate said...

You are amazing still!! The February permission makes me laugh!

Michelle said...

No one says it better than you Circ! Keepin' it real. All I can say is the first three months are so hard! And I never did it with as many kids. They are all still functioning and safe so I think you are good. So glad you documented this though, someday it is going to be even more funny that it is today!

Marilyn said...

Oh, I love you. David and I were talking the other day about how great you are!

Julia said...

Making out is awesome when you smell like baby spit up huh? I love the picture of it. I am so glad you can admit you cry. I cry too. I cried for 2 minutes in front of a cartridge machine at Kents grocery because I forgot my cartridge #. So I called Terry and left a nasty message, yelling "WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER YOUR FREAKIN PHONE". And that was it. I know it is because he is busy, but it makes me feel better to know that you cry too. Love you, Julia