Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lies 'n' Love

There are lies on the internet.  Yes, lies.  I googled "how long does breastfeeding hurt" and do you know what the internet said?  It said that it doesn't hurt.  Who ARE these people who spread lies like this?  Of course it hurts!  I can confidently say that it hurts like a lobster clamping on for a good 7 to 10 business days after the baby is born.  Just so you know.  Have the La Leche crazies been breastfeeding for so long that they have forgotten what it was like when their nursing kids were newborns, as opposed to first graders?  Memory loss.  It's a strong argument for not breastfeeding past school age, you crazy internet whackos.

I'm just documenting these facts in case I have memory loss later. 

In other news, I have discovered the secret to reading with Xanthe.  Lortab.  (Not for her, for me.)  It makes her a much better reader.  If I can just refill my prescription long enough to get her through first grade, I think she'll be a successful learner for life.  Do you think my doctor will go with my reasoning?  "If I'm not on drugs, my daughter won't learn to read."  Actually, she is doing really well.  I'm proud of her.  I'm proud of all my sweet kids.  It might be the Lortab talking, but all of them are sweethearts who work hard, try to be kind, and fill my life with joy.  Thanks, you sweet little valentines. *<:+)

 P.S.  The hospital does an amazing photography option now instead of the old mug shot of the baby with goop in its eyes.  Check out Tizzy's photo shoot.  Click on View Photos.  Password is 0210tziporahdopp.

 Ari and Freestone had to look through the window to see the baby at the hospital.  They couldn't wait until she got home!


The homestead said...

You're doing great! My favorite nursing comment is.. If it hurts, you're doing it wrong. I could have punched the lady that said that as my toes were curled so I wouldn't scream when James would latch on. Hang in there a couple more days.

Amanda said...

What a beautiful little girl! I totally sympathize with you on the breastfeeding! I'm sure it doesn't help that she's so little. Smaller mouths have a harder time latching on. But it'll improve as she gets older. Good luck! Go get those Soothies, they feel great!

Jennie said...

Ooooo.... I do remember those nursing days. Lasinoh (sp) was my best friend for all the crackage - that and the old fashioned milk drop rub. TMI :)

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Seriously! In the hospital I watched a video about taking your baby home. It said nursing doesn't hurt! I laughed! My mom said a man must have made the video. Mine are so sore I can't even put on the nipple cream!

Michelle said...

If it helps I think smaller babies are even worse nursers. Smaller mouths! Have I mentioned how much I love your humor? By the way at Shelter we all agreed the place you are at was not one we envied. Ouch! Hang in there!

laurel said...

I agree. Nursing hurts and they lie to you. Just like all those people you sk now it is to have their son leave for a mission. They say great. Best thing ever, until you get there and are suffering and they decide to tell you the truth that they had a hard, hard time. The truth should have been shared looong ago.

I am glad you got that nursing truth out there! Way to go for truth.

Love all your pictures. THeya re so cute!!!!

Jennifer said...

I feel for you. Way to channel your pain into wicked humor. I'd never understood the phrase "bite the bullet" until I nursed one of my babies. Although, come to think of it, I'm not sure which part of it was the bullet ... and who was doing the biting.

Michelle said...

Okay, came back to check on you today and upon seeing that sweet face I am back to envying you! Hope she becomes a fabulous nurser soon!

Julia said...

Nursing hurts for weeks! Oh, and that yeast infection in them? So much fun! Nursing is so hard, and even after successfully nursing 4 babies for over a year each, #5 was my hardest and I lost my milk in one side and had to pump it back in and I cried and cried and cried. It was terrible. So glad I stuck it out, but terrible to get a hang of. even right now I have yeast at nursing is very irritable, thank goodness I have RX medication for it on hand. Funny story though, one time we were laying in bed with our 2nd and my husband had his shirt off, and my baby rolled over and latched onto Terry. You ever heard a grown man scream like a woman? SOOOOO funny! But now he know how I feel. Good work for nursing though. Just think, this is it. I don't ever have to do this again. Or do you.... ;)

Julia said...

Oh, and I love having to cover your chest in the shower because NOTHING can tough them. oh, I am hurting just thinking about it.