Friday, February 10, 2012

Danny Boy and Don Quixote

Golda had an orthodontic catastrophe today and got some of her hardware removed.  After, she came home to finish up some homework during seminary, so I got to hang out with her while I sharpened tools and cut cello bridges.  With the offending metal out of her mouth, she was quite pleasant to be around!  :)  As an added bonus, the fix came right in time for her vocal solo and ensemble performance today.

Speaking of "right in time," I almost didn't make it to the school to see Golda's group sing.  I had to run from my car to the choir room.  I had serious doubts about whether running was even possible at this stage, but I hoped my legs might remember the motions.  I must have been running on some special form of stage mom adreneline because I felt like I was racing down those junior high hallways!  I would love to see the reality on film.  I bet I looked more like an injured hippo shuffling/limping toward the watering hole.  Whatever.  I made it in time. 

Golda's group was singing Danny Boy, one of my favorite songs.  It always makes me cry because it reminds me of Opa, and I can't even remember why.  It must have been one of his favorites, too.  It's just so tragic!  I think my lip started to quiver as soon as Golda announced the song.  I tried not to cry, really.  I was on the front row because the other rows were way too far away after my sprint, so I was right in front of the singers.  I salvaged some of my dignity and Golda's reputation by holding the camera in front of my contorted face so nobody could see me as I wiped away tears like a preteen boy at the Twilight premier.  Despite my own little "performance," I'm glad I didn't miss Golda's.  I was proud of her and her friends.  They were quite polished, I thought. 

The girls and I got to see another performance tonight, the dress rehearsal of Ballet West's Don Quixote.  It's nice when a day goes just right for Golda and Ruby.  At their age, so many days are tumultuous marathons of emotion.  I think we all completely appreciated sitting back in those red velvet chairs and taking in the beauty.  A perfect way to end an evening and a perfect overture to a new life that begins tomorrow!


sws said...

I love this, and now I'm teary eyed. I can't wait to meet our new friend. H was so thrilled about all the treats - I love that you didn't even coordinate them and it was all love coming from your house at such an important time. I also love perfect days - especially for girls. We will be thinking of you all day long. love you!

Michelle said...

That is our girl, literally running right up until the end! So proud of you all. Glad you had a lovely evening with your girls before the big day. So excited!

Jennifer said...

" ... wiped away tears like a preteen boy at the Twilight premier .."

This will have me laughing for days! I can't believe all you packed in right before having a baby. I am ashamed of my non-natal inefficiency. Praying for you today!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

I got home from the hospital last night and have been thinking about you today. I hope every thing went good today!

laurel said...

What a day! I am so excited for your big event. Way to go down with a big day. It only fits you to be busy to the last day.