Monday, February 13, 2012

How Do You Feel?

Fantastic!  At least given the amount of traffic that's gone in and out of my veins, spinal column, etc.  I'm wearing a maxi pad the size of a bobsled and my breasts feel like dual carpetbags occupying the space directly in front of me.  And if that's not TMI, my nipples are burning like they spent last night at a disreputable tattoo parlor.  Every few minutes, a contraction comes along to take my mind off the carpetbags by making me wonder if an unseen demon is trying to draw and quarter me.

So I feel good.  Why, does it sound like I don't?  I must feel OK, because I just want to freeze time right here, with a beautiful, pink, five-pound baby to hold, a two-year-old who calls her "TizzyandTziporah," the man of my dreams fixing me French toast and five lovely kids who are bursting with excitement to come home from school and see their new sister.  Forget jumping out of an airplane, forget zip-lining through the Amazon, forget the pyramids and the Acropolis.  This is my bungee jump over Victoria Falls...and it's as breathtaking as the next contraction.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!..sounds like a lot of hurt! you are going through but with a great sense of humor...and the end result!..precious and amazing, beautiful!..beautiful in pink!..Give her a kiss and hello from Miami Aunt and Cousins..we love you all, welcome little Tziporah!..Glad you are here!..XO Love, Tricia

Shane and Kenzie said...

Circe she truly is a BEAUTIFUL little baby...but I wouldn't expect anything less from you as her mother! I can only imagine the pure joy that little one has brought into your home, despite dealing with the aftermath of childbirth. What a blessing these little children are!

The homestead said...

I'm so glad to hear someone say it just like it is. The pictures of your kids waiting their turn to hold her are priceless. I hope you eventually get to hold her.. she'll grow up fast.

Jennie said...

I hope the first night at home wasn't too rough. I know you love to be on the go, but I hope you take time to rest. When Scott goes back to work I'm hear to give you a break from the Tolly man during the day. Just let me know.

Love all the pics. They are so cute.

Queen Elizabeth said...

You are priceless, she is precious. I see a smile on your face in those photos AND you are blogging so I know you will be ok. Good luck, nevertheless.

Jennifer said...

You are such a trooper -- and a beautiful one at that. Carpet bags, eh? As in fully stocked with Mary Poppins-esque coatracks? A very apt description.

I hope you'll let me help take care of you somehow. Can I bring you dinner later this week, after the ward's "official" meals? I learned the hard way that my body last time around couldn't keep up with my normal child-rearing demands. I thought I was feeling great after Samuel was born, and pushed myself to prove it. I paid for it later. So let us pamper you!

Michelle said...

Way to keep the humor! I am dying to meet her! Good to know she is being so well loved!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Oh my goodness- you are hilarious. And I know EXACTLY how you are feeling! Everytime he latches on it's like I'm at the dermatologist getting my nipples burned off. It's so fun to be going through this at the same time!

laurel said...

She is beautiful. You are amazing.

Paige said...

Congrats. Your description of the maxi, boobs and contractions is completely awesome and much appreciated. I cannot imagine what that's like after birthing so many kids!
Looking at that delicious baby makes you understand the mammals that eat their young. So cute you want to gobble it up.

love.boxes said...

She is so beautiful Circ! When Dostoyevsky said, "beauty will save the world..." I think he was talking about babies. Love you.