Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Dish

A byproduct of summertime that I hadn't thought of before is the volume of dishes in the sink increasing.  With nine people in the family, we run the dishwasher twice a day now that everyone is home more.  I could use a lot more paper plates and cups, but then we'd be taking out the trash eight times a day and I'm not OK with that.  We generate enough garbage as it is!  And it's insane how many paper cups one kid, let alone a dozen, can go through in a day.  Complete insanity.  Yes, we could write our names on the cups.  Do I want a bunch of semi-clean plastic cups sitting around with names on them all the time?  No.

So anyway, we do a lot of dishes and everyone complains.  And on an unrelated topic, I always forget to water my flowers.  So I came up with an ingenious system.  I told the kids that whoever gets up early and waters the flowers doesn't have to load or unload dishes at all that day.  Now the flowers get watered early every morning and if I ask a kid to unload the dishwasher, there are two possible responses.  One, "I watered the flowers."  Fair enough, no dishes for you.  Two, "Why me?"  To which I respond, "Because you didn't water the flowers."  You should see how empty our sink is and how healthy our flowers are!


The homestead said...

I used to think having two dishwashers was silly, now that I have 7 kids, whenever I remodel the kitchen the first thing I will do is plan for 2 dishwashers. We are up to our necks in dishes too.

Catherine said...

LOL! Now that's creative!

Nate said...

Good system! Thanks for letting Emi stay today. She loved it!

Queen Elizabeth said...


jenn said...

I'm going to use that for my tomatoes, now I just have to decide which chore I'm willing to take over for Anders if he does it!