Saturday, June 9, 2012

Good Night, My Someone

 Actually, good night my everyone.  Music Man is over.  It was a GREAT production.  I saw it from the audience twice and from back stage twice, and it was a delight every time from every angle.  I'm going to miss the cast, and I know Golda is going to miss them far more than I.  After all, they've been her "family" for late nights and early Saturday mornings for the past couple of months.  NOW how are we going to keep them off the streets and out of the pool halls...that starts with P that rhymes with T that stands for...oh, never mind...

Lexie and Jennie
Grandma and Grandpa

Coco and Bill

Evyn and Michael

Golda, Jess and Emily
Abbi and Golda, River City Dancers

1 comment:

laurel said...

Golda looks stunning! McKenzie is in a play right now too. It is time consuming, but they have so much fun. Glad it turned out well!