Monday, June 25, 2012


When Scott and I brought Golda home from the hospital, we were scared to death.  We had her in the carseat and I was riding in the back seat of our Volkswagen Fox with her, in case something happened.  I don't know what could have happened, but it seemed like there were more crazy drivers on the road than usual.  Cars would whiz past and Scott and I would both think, "HEY!  We have a BABY in here.  Could ya slow down a little?"

Fifteen years later, like Simon and Garfunkel say,  "After changes upon changes, we are more or less the same."  This week Golda will get her driving permit and we'll have to teach her.  As we inch carefully along the streets of our fair city (and we will be inching; I know Golda),  I'll be glaring at other drivers, thinking, "Hey!  We have our BABY in here!  Could ya slow down a little?"

Could everything just slow. down. a little?  Fifteen! Happy birthday, beautiful Golda!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! If Golda is as responsible as she has been so far in her fifteen years, no need to worry about her driving. Tell her it is the other driver she has to be aware of!. Your story took me back to the day she was born, shed a little tear!. all of us waiting outside your door to hear that little cry and view and hold little Golda, even BG there. Can't believe 15 years have past, where does time go? You and Scott have done a great job since day one, Again, Happy Birthday Golda, you have accomplished so much!. Love, Tricia XO

Catherine said...

Beautiful pics! Happy 15th birthday Golda!!

Cricket said...

Happy Birthday Golda! Lily was so excited to share what she learned in ballet class today. Thank you for showing her how fun it can be. Oh and the bottom of 200 North has a big parking lot to try backing up and turns and the county road we like that you go slow.

Christina said...

I can totally relate. We started driving with Austin a couple of weeks ago and its amazing how many things you worry about when they are behind the wheel.

Michelle said...

Oh please, please slow down! How can this be happening? I remember you bringing tiny Golda to Sarah's reception. I swear it was just yesterday. I can't stand the thought of that baby driving!

love.boxes said...

Golda has grown up so beautifully too. .. beautiful, accomplished and kind and good. I'm so proud of her!

Kristi said...

Goodness, she is just BEAUTIFUL! Happy Birthday to Golda!