Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Ruby and I combined our studios with a joint Christmas recital.  Everyone did well, and it was short and fun.  I like to keep my recitals under 30 minutes, especially when Utah is playing BYU in the Vegas Bowl, as they were later that day.  I like my students to have the experience, but I don't want them to be nervous.  It's light and fluffy, I tell them.
Ruby played, much to everyone's delight.
Jake, one of my students.  He's a riot to teach.  I love his energy and willingness to get in there and work.  I love all my Suzuki families.  The thing with Suzuki is building the child, and I love the synergy between teacher and parent as we try to develop beautiful people through music.  Having said that, I'll admit that I'm beyond tired in my efforts with my own children and music.  It's hard.  So hard.  Fortunately, they all have great teachers who keep me going.  I wish I could find a way to bring my teaching energy to my own kids, but it's just different.  That's why they have teachers, I guess.  I wonder if every music teacher feels the guilt I feel about their own kids.  The shoemaker's barefoot offspring all over again.

Barefoot or not, we take it one step at a time.  

1 comment:

Catherine said...

THANK YOU!!! I needed this today! I have to say that my heart is positively aching that Hannah and I start piano practice again today since she had her first lesson this morning. For the first time in 3 years we didn't touch the piano over the Christmas break and I'm not sorry one little bit. She went back excited about lessons this morning and we were refreshed. I love that she's learning and her teacher (Nana) is the very best their is, but oh, the practice time! It is easily the most stressful time of our days and really, our mother-daughter relationship. Where I find myself encouraging my students when certain things happen, I have to stop myself from being critical of my daughter. I don't like that part and am working on it. I want practice time to be good for both of us and often it is, but other times it's awful! Looking to bring more of my encouraging teacher personality into the practice time with Hannah.

Now...if I could stop her from laying on the piano bench and resting her head on the keys when things get tough, she might make my job a little easier too! ;o)