Sunday, April 18, 2010

Deal Breaker

Scott and I had a conversation:

Oh, Scott, can you get me the new Johnny Cash CD?
Because it sucks.
No.  It doesn't.
Why?  Just because you heard it on NPR, you like it?
OK, I'll get it.

At the beginning of our marriage, I would have walked away from that conversation thinking, "I can't believe I'm married to someone who doesn't revere NPR.  What shallow, vapid, uninformed man did I marry?  Is this my life now?"

And Scott would have walked away thinking, "She likes Johnny Cash?  Can't she tell his new CD isn't good?  How could I have ended up with someone who knows nothing about music?  How can I share my life with this person?"

I mean, that brief conversation could have been a deal breaker!  "I'm sorry, I just can't be with someone who doesn't love Lakshmi Singh."  "No, I'm sorry.  I can't be with someone who thinks Ain't No Grave is a good album."  Thirteen years into eternity, NPR is still my drug of choice (it calms, invigorates and balances me.) and he still knows everything about music.  It hasn't created any sort of existential crisis.  Furthermore, he likes sports and I still don't understand what pick and roll means.  He was telling me about the Jazz game the other day, about how they had ruined their chances for the home court advantage and on and on.  I said, "Now I know how you feel when I talk."  No hurt feelings.   That's why it works.  That and the fact that he is willing to download the awesome music I hear about on NPR.  I guess there's something to the "opposites attract" theory.  But where does that leave Scott if I'm the cute one?


Jennie said...

I totally get this post. All I can say is ditto. Only at our house one example would be gardening vs sports/music. :)

Michelle said...

Such a funny post! And you are the cute one so I'm not sure about where that leaves Scott. And isn't Johnny Cash dead? How can he have a new CD?

The homestead said...

I don't listen to NPR anymore because I began yelling at the radio- some of the commentary was too one-sided for me. It's really too bad because they do have some really great stuff on there.