Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is It Saturday Yet?

With four more days until Xanthe's birthday, she is in a constant state of anxiety.  This morning, she tried to change reality through denial.

Is my birthday in one more day?
No, four more days!
ONE more day?
You mean ONE?
So it's tomorrow?

So, what I need are volunteers to take two-hour shifts around the clock from now until Saturday at 4:00.  All you have to do is answer continuous questions about the birthday party.
"Will you count the candles quietly?  What will the people bring me?  What color are the cupcakes?  What do they look like?  Where is the party?  Will there be food?  Who is coming?  Are all the kids getting a present?  What will the party look like?  What color is it?  Who will sing to me?  What will they sing?  Where are the hula dancers?  Where are they right now?  What are they doing?  What does their house look like?  Where is the food?  I'm hungry.  Can we hang up some decorations now?  I'm not getting the plates out.  I'm just looking at them!"

Let's get that volunteer sign-up sheet passed around quick!


Lexie said...

How funny!

Maria said...

We went through this for weeks with Emma. I don't know what it is about the age but the big day is seriously BIG! We got the gift and my girls are now asking everyday when Xanthe's party is. So we would love to have her over here since I am fielding the questions all ready!:) Can't wait!

Emily said...

Her and Esmae are so the same, I think Esmae is just as excited about Xanthe's party as Xanthe is!

Jennie said...

We are so excited too Xanth. We can't wait to come and help you celebrate.

Thanks for lunch Circ. It was delish. Those cookies are evil. They are like crack with chocolate inside. :)

Michelle said...

Love that kid!

Anonymous said...

Emi is excited for Xanthe's party too. So hard to wait when you're four almost five:)