Monday, April 5, 2010

Freestone's Excellent Adventure

Freestone did it!  He earned his new DS game from Grandpa!  He completed his last task today, which was recording Song of the Wind.  Grandma and Grandpa came and picked him up in their big truck and took him and ONLY him to the MALL!  They went to Game Stop and McDonald's and came home with major loot.  When they returned, Freestone raced in the house with his game, explaining what it was and why it was cool before flying downstairs to play it.  Thank-you, Grandma and Grandpa, for devoting so much attention to Freestone this week.  He felt very special and just loved all the attention and the nightly phone calls, not to mention the new game! 

All evening, Freestone had stories to tell about his outing with Grandma and Grandpa.  Until he stopped talking and threw up all over the kitchen.  I was on the phone when the McDonald's smoothie made its reappearance.  I don't know what this says about my mom skills, but I gave Freestone the "just a minute" finger and handed him a bowl.  The phone call was something I had to get resolved.  Not that the vomit wasn't, but there are limits to multi-tasking.  All in all, it's been a pretty great day for Freestone.  First, a solo trip to the mall with Grandma and Grandpa, and now a slumber party in my room.  (Yeah, I'm not schlepping sheets and towels up and down the stairs all night.)  And when he wakes up in the morning, his new DS game will be waiting, instead of a big, long list of chores!  Grandma and Grandpa, we love you, and we hope you don't get a stomach flu in return for being such fun grandparents!


Jennie said...

Oh my! I hope he gets feeling better soon. That is NOT fun to have the flu when you are out of school for the week.

Congrats on earning your game Free! Way to go!

C and MC said...

I saw them at the mall yesterday, Freestone in his red puffy coat. How fun. And we also had throwing up last night, Chris is the unfortunate victim. yukie!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Freestone. Hope he is feeling better. I loved the bowl and just-one-minute signal...that is a seasoned mom!