Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Office

When I was little, I always hoped there would be a giant blizzard and we would all be snowed in at school.  It would be a read-a-thon day, so we would all have our pillows, blankets and healthy snacks.  It would be so exciting to be at the school at night!

Well, it never happened, but we did the next best thing last night:  a sleepover at Scott's office!  Poor little Xanth was asleep in her own bed before the office sleepover took shape, so Scott stayed home with her while the rest of us hit the library and set up our "beds" in the reception area of the King & King.  Later, Scott got Coco to stay with Xanthe while he surprised us with hot fudge sundaes and french fries.  I read my book while the kids watched a movie.  I didn't pay much attention to the movie until I heard sniffles and sobs.  Ari and Free were asleep, but Golda and Ruby were captivated by the tragic and heartbreaking conclusion to their show.  When they told me the plot, how a dog had waited for his owner outside the "station" for nine years after the owner died, I started crying too, and I didn't even see the movie!  When the dog finally died and trotted toward "the light," his owner finally came to get him.  It was all so sad that we had to watch Xanthe's hula video over and over for a laugh. 

Laughing and crying, we went to sleep late, only to be jolted awake by the grandfather clock chiming every fifteen minutes throughout the night.  As soon as we figure out how to turn the chime off, we'll probably do the office sleepover again.  There is something mysterious and exciting about being in a daytime place at night.  I like our version of The Office much better than the one on TV. 


Michelle said...

Yep, it's official, you are the Fun Mom! Okay, was that the movie with Richard Greer? I almost got that for my kids and we hate crying! Good thing you had Xanthe's video to save you!

Anonymous said...

You are a fun mom! What a great way to have a sleepover:)

Jenny said...

What a fun idea. I have always dreamed of doing things like that too!

Jennie said...

You good soul, you! A horrible night's sleep is the worst thing in the world according to the Book of Jennie. :) But.... I also think a sacrificed night of sleep for treasured memories like that are worth it. Hope Park City is fun. Enjoy every moment. Those girls will be in college before we know it. :)

C and MC said...

Where was Tolly during all of this? We have done a sleepover at The Studio before, and yes it is exhilarating! Looks like so much fun.

Kristi said...

How fun! You guys are too cute.... I'm guessing Scott has softer carpeting than Jason has at his office. ;)

Your kids will remember that forever.