Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Faucet Man

As everyone knows, our kitchen faucet has been leaking for, oh, a year.  It's interesting to watch people try to turn it off.  Women will automatically finagle it until they find the spot (7:00) where it turns off completely.  Men will say, "Hey, this sink won't turn off."  I don't know what that means, but someone should write a research paper on it.  Anyway, the sink finally got to the point where not even seasoned grandmas could find the sweet spot where the drips would stop.

So Scott decided he could install a new faucet himself.  Not based on past experience or anything, the rest of the family mercilessly ridiculed him for thinking he could do it.  He looked up instructions on Youtube and said, "See?  It's easy."  Ruby replied, "Yeah.  Easy for THAT guy!"  Even my faith wavered when Scott prepared to tackle the task and asked, "Do we have a flashlight?"  I know Scott is smart, but let's face it.  The odds are against a man who doesn't own a flashlight having the tools to install a kitchen faucet.  Nevertheless, he got under the sink with an LED toy from a happy meal and successfully changed out our faucet!

I was in Park City with the girls when I got a picture of the new faucet sent to my phone along with a text that said, "I am taking everyone who didn't doubt me to dinner with the money I saved by installing the faucet.  So that's me and Ptolemy."  Lesson learned by the rest of us!  We knew you could do it, Scott.  It's just too fun to give back some of the teasing you dish out.  Thanks for stopping the drips.  Now, is there anything you can do about the leaky April sky?  I wouldn't put it past you to be able to fix that, too.


Taylor Family said...

Yeah for Scott. I totally thought you could do it. So when are taking me out to dinner?

Anonymous said...

Very versatile...trusts, wills, court cases and faucets! That is amazing.

Lexie said...

New sinks are so much fun!

laurel said...

We have the same faucet you had. It leaks too. Jay has fixed it several times. This time, it is not working. I think we are at the point you are.

Tell Scott if he wants to do another one, I will hold the job for him!

wyckhurst said...

"he got under the sink with an LED toy from a happy meal"

Love it!!!!!

love.boxes said...

beautiful new faucet! Good job Scott!