Saturday, April 17, 2010

Evil Migraine Does Not Thwart Federation

Usually when Golda goes to flute Federation, we get pictures of her before performing at Gardner Hall, smiling with her shiny flute, nervous but ready.  Then after, pictures of her in front of Backer's Bakery with a beautifully frosted flower cookie and a sense of exhilaration.  Not this time.  The before picture:  Golda sleeping in the car on the way with sunglasses to block the light.  The after picture:  Golda resting on the steps in front of Gardner Hall so she could make it to the car.  Yep, the culprit was a migraine.  She came home from play practice this morning delirious, took medicine and fell asleep.  After resting for an hour, she dragged herself to the car, her flute caddy (me) right behind with the flute, music, judging sheets and tupperware with sealable lid.  (You know migraines make you throw up, right?  Not to mention the numb left arm, blind spots in your vision and vise-like, disorienting pain in your temples.)

This is why I have to brag about Golda.  Because she can go from muttering incoherent thoughts about not being able to do this, to announcing her pieces with a smile and playing them very well.  When I was her age and got these evil headaches, all I could do was whimper in a dark room for two days.  I also have to hand it to her amazing teacher, Jane, for preparing her students so well that they can still get up in front of judges and do what they practiced doing, no matter what.  That's a great teacher.  A million thanks to Jennifer, our accompanist.  You have no idea what a relief it is to have a good pianist who is willing to put trips to the baby animal farm on hold for us!  I don't know what Golda's score is because the judges let us go after she played.  Golda is nothing if not competitive, mumbling, "What was my score?" periodically all the way home.  Golda, I'm going to give you a Superior.  Whether the judges agree is immaterial.  You did it!


Emily said...

Oh my gosh, if she has this much drive now I can't imagine where she will be in 10 years! Way to go Golda hope you feel better soon!!

Jennie said...

Wow G! I'm so sorry you were so sick. That is no fun. I hope you are feeling better. Let us know about your score. I'm sure it was perfection.

Michelle said...

Those Dopp kids are tough!Way to go Golda!

Eliza2006 said...

I feel for her...I get the most wicked migraines and have had them since I was young. I can't believe she was able to perform still...what a girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Golda is amazing! She does deserve a superior rating!