Sunday, February 13, 2011

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

 This morning was the first bright, sunny day this year that gave me the feeling spring might just come someday.  Golda, Ruby and I were fortunate enough to go see Music and the Spoken Word at the Tabernacle with the Young Women.  With the warm sun on our smiling faces, we received the news that Scott's Aunt Ann had passed away this morning.  After fighting a courageous fight with cancer, it seemed both tragic and fitting that she pass away on such a beautiful morning.

The performance by the Tabernacle Choir and the Orchestra hit me hard.  The organist performed a solo of "Danny Boy," which always reminds me of my grandpa, Opa.  The choir and orchestra performed the Ode to Joy from Beethoven's 9th, which is one of Scott's favorites.  The whole program spoke to me, but none of it more powerfully than the end.  The whole choir and orchestra stood and faced the audience.  Looking right into our eyes, they sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again."  Memories surfaced of watching Music and the Spoken Word on Sunday mornings with my grandparents, Golda and Bill.  I always tried to arrange a sleepover on Saturday nights so I could stay up late with my grandparents and watch Love Boat and Fantasy Island, then wake up to bacon and eggs and Spence Kinard's tender, booming voice on Sunday morning.

This Sunday morning is so far removed from those of my childhood, yet the music hasn't changed.  With all but one of my grandparents gone, with children of my own beside me, with Aunt Ann leaving such a huge void in our family, I don't know what I would do if I didn't know that I will see my family members again.  I am thankful that I don't have to go through this life without that knowledge, and thankful for the peace it brings. God be with Aunt Ann's family until they meet again.


Maria said...

Circe- I agree that the broadcast was great. (I was one of the people singing to you!:) My favorite part of playing in the orchestra is the singing at the end. Such power and spirit in music! Good luck this week!

Jennie said...

This week will be tough. However, it will be nice to gather with all the family. We are so lucky to have them.

Michelle said...

Beautiful Circ. I will be thinking of you and Scott's family.

laurel said...

I am so sorry for your family's loss. It is tough to lose a family member. I am glad you were able to have such a great experience. Isn't it wonderful we have the gospel? Some how the Lord always gives us what we need at the right moment.