Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh, This is Rich

Scott and I have long maintained that we would be huge jerks if we were super-rich.  It's true.  We always talk about what we would do with "40 million dollars."  That's after taxes and tithing.  Once we get past the part in the conversation where we give our parents and all of our brothers and sisters new cars and houses, we become huge jerks.

We call in a team of workers and completely finish our house.  We even get toilet paper holders that don't fall off the wall.  We expand.  We build a guest house and a pool house in the back yard.  Heck, we buy the house behind us and turn it into a guest house.  I secretly build a pool (while he's out shopping) because Scott doesn't want one, and I hire a lifeguard to sit there 24 hours a day, in case anyone wants to swim.  Our pool house is stocked with new towels and swimsuits for guests, and there's a huge kitchen with its own chef to prepare food for parties.  Because the regular chef is busy fixing nutritious, vegan-ish meals three times a day for our family, plus after-school snacks and things to eat in the car that don't make a mess.  We have another chef who just does sushi.

We have a couple of full-time drivers, a few practicing coaches and at least three people who read to and with the kids for hours every day, not to mention helping them with their homework.  That way, I can work or play with a kid without having to carry on six conversations at once.  Each kid has their own language coach who teaches them Mandarin.  Any time a grade in school drops below an A, an educational specialist appears to tutor the child in the car on the way to their dance classes.  (Can you imagine a driver who just drives?)  And did I mention our housekeeping staff?  I, myself, have three housekeepers that just clean and organize closets all the time.  And each child has an assistant who follows them around teaching them how to clean up after themselves and making them do it. And my hair looks fantastic, now that I don't have to spend 25 hours a day cleaning and doing laundry.  My hair is so freakin' fluffy, you hardly recognize me.

We travel all the time.  We buy a condo in Imperial Beach so we can go there anytime.  Whenever we want to take the kids to Disneyland, we go to the one in Hong Kong.  We have our favorite hotels and restaurants there, and the kids love the multi-cultural city almost as much as they love Paris, where we shop for school clothes.  We spend every summer lounging on the beach in the Algarve, where the kids pick up Portuguese from the locals, and we jet off on humanitarian service trips whenever we have a chance.

Like I said, Scott and I would be SO annoying if we had 40 million dollars.  But we'd take our friends on trips to exotic locations with us!  So, will you still be our friend when we're loaded?  What would YOU do with "40 million dollars?"


laurel said...

We have been out of town. So nice to be back. Especially to come back to such a cute post. I would love $40 million too. I think I would spend it just like you.

The homestead said...

You could never be a jerk.

Michelle said...

I think that is a long way off from being a jerk!Especially if you are willing to take me with you! Oh and if you let me borrow a few tutors, maids and such!

Jennie said...

Were you at lunch today when we were discussing the talking to our husbands and this very topic - except mine was 10 million. I'll let you read my answer in a day or two. :)

I love your plans for 40 mil. Freak, I'd love to see what you would do with $400.00. You and Scott do so well with his talent for thrift and your pazazz for parties. You would give anyone a run for their money. :)

Nate said...

I loved your description of the rich life. I love that it includes parties, guests and lots of tutors and help for the kids! I think you are already living the rich life!

Michelle D said...

I wouldn't even have a house if I had a lot of money, I would just to whatever city hit my fancy and live there until I was ready to move on, and Jake had absorbed as much of the culture as possible.

I would also do the Brad/Angelina thing and adopt a bunch of kids, and plenty of help to raise them.

Then with my "extra" time I would run my foundation, which would focus on funding further genetic studies into proactively preventing diseases before birth.

Oh, and I'd get a boy toy, a really cute one.

love.boxes said...

I would set Josh up for life with President Hinckley conference talks on 24/7 for his viewing pleasure and chocolate cake for breakfast :)

And, then I would get a new floor. This one is beginning to effect my self esteem :D

I agree with Jennie...

Kristi said...

Your ideas sound refreshingly non-jerky, as a matter of fact. I would really like to take a shot at some serious money, I would like to think I could handle it. :S