Friday, February 4, 2011

Oops, I Did It Again

I'm too stupid to go to bed early.  I'm not one of those people who necessarily needs their sleep, so I push the boundaries.  But this week, I decided that my mental capacity wouldn't be quite so diminished if I got more sleep, so I moved my bedtime up to 11:00.  By Thursday, I was really tired!  Can a person get too much sleep?  I was so tired that I was yawning on the way to book club at 8:45 on Thursday night.  I thought I'd only stay for awhile so I wouldn't  be hammered the next day.

Fast-forward to 2:15 AM as I'm walking to my car after a rousing five-hour discussion on everything from the book to - again - breastfeeding and childbirth. 

On any given night, I'm up too late.  I'm allowed (by myself) to stay up until midnight reading, and it's an epic battle to turn off the light any earlier, even if my eyes are rolling around in my head.  I don't want to sacrifice my golden alone time!  I tell myself, "I'll just relax my whole body so that my eyes are the only part that's really awake.  I'll be reading, but it will really be like I'm sleeping because I'm so relaxed.  And I'll close my eyes halfway to rest them while I finish this book.

Yeah, that doesn't work.

At book club as the more sensible members trickled out to go to bed around eleven, I went into a state of denial.  My phone with its clock slipped into a crack in the chair, my common sense along with it.  If I didn't know what time it was, I wouldn't be tired!  My rationale was that I was soooo relaxed that it was better than sleep.  My plan was to sit in my comfy chair and imagine some of my limbs and vital organs in a sort of low-power state so that I'd essentially end up rested.  Well, if guzzling Coke Zero, laughing and cackling until I couldn't catch my breath and shouting about Tiger Moms and hospital gowns counts as being in a tranquil state, then there's no reason for me to be tired today.

I sneaked in the house like a guilty teenager at 2:30 in the morning and climbed into bed in my clothes.  My plan was to regain some of the sleep I'd lost by falling asleep immediately.  I thought, I won't move a muscle, I'll just fall into a deep and restful sleep!  OK,!  Go!

That doesn't work either.

The minute I did fall asleep, Ptolemy sensed my presence and started wailing and Scott got up and asked me what time I got home.  I mumbled, "Oh, ages ago."  He just said, "Uh huh."  The thing is, I could have left book club earlier and I could have gotten more sleep, but then I wouldn't have the answers to many of the world's problems.  I would have missed out on Angela's hilarious breastfeeding story and Jen's accompanying hand signals and the incredible retelling of Amanda's car birth and the chance to rib Kari for being tired when she picked up Golda for carpool this morning.

So, see?  Some things ARE better than sleep, and a lot more fun.


Jennie said...

I'm so sorry I missed it. Dang those business trips and late night dance classes. I would have come over at 9:45, but I thought things might be winding down. Silly me.

Michelle said...

Sounds great! and I fully support you decision to stay!

Amanda said...

As tired as I am today, I'm more rejuventated because we laughed so hard! It was totally worth it! Thanks for more fun times, Circe!

Emily said...

Sounds like i missed a good one... 2:15! That is hilarious.

Kristi said...

dang. I had the first thursday of the month on my radar until, oh, the first wednesday of the month rolled around. oops. one of these days sharla and I will shock you and show up for a book group. Sounds like we missed quite the night! I love a late night/girl's night out now and again - cheap therapy!