Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mother Teresa and Robert D. Hales' Tips for a Great School Year

This is what my goal is. (click)

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary.  
What we need is to love without getting tired.

                                                            -Mother Teresa

This is what I'm going to keep in mind with school starting tomorrow.  I wish we could have school during the day, but summer, in all its lazy glory, in the evenings.  Alas, the school year comes with an intensity that plows summer out of the way with homework and endless obligations.  I can do it, with Mother Teresa's quote at the ready for all those moments when, after numerous reading charts, homework assignments and math worksheets have been completed, I just want the little people to GO TO BED!!  That's when I'm going to remember that if I can muster a little more patience, show a little more love, all of us will be that much happier.

Good luck in 2010-2011, friends...


Emily said...

I love that! Very cute pictures of the kids too...!

Michelle said...

Why is it that the beginning of school always makes me feel like making a new resolution or two? Good luck tomorrow! Oh, and I suspect you are working on your Holiday cards already-am I right?

Lisa and Tate said...

Really, where did the summer go?? I am back teaching in the classroom tomorrow. Not sure how I am feeling about this.

The homestead said...

love your new pictures!