Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Recipe

They say that if you live in Utah and have to pay money for zucchini in the summer, you don't have any friends.  Sad!  Friendless though I may be, I know how to get to the farmers' market!  Today I made this Zucchini Gratin.  I thought everybody would eschew it for less greenish, less veggie-ish fare, but it was a big hit with the whole crew.  They were all begging for more!  I used plain old mozzarella and Parmesan instead of Gruyere, and added a few sprigs off my new rosemary plant.  Yum!  If I had any friends, I'd share it!  :)


Eliza2006 said...

Sadly, I bought zucchini the other day too!

Catherine said...

LOL! You and Tiffany need to get together and plant some zucchini!

That casserole looks delicious! Might just need to buy me some zucchini too. :o)

laurel said...


Anonymous said...

In our neighborhood when people DON'T like you, they give you zucchini! (so consider yourself liked)

Kristi said...

Yum! I am always looking for ways to use zucchini. I will be making this, thanks!

btw, you do have a friend with zuchinni to spare - come and get some!!!

Nate said...

Yum! Please post recipe:)

Eliza2006 said...

Tried this tonight and it was really good! I hope it will freeze well!