Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Tooth Bat

Freestone's front tooth only got to attend one day of second grade before it fell out.  Too bad, tooth!  Just as Ptolemy is getting the most adorable front teeth ever, Freestone is losing his!  (Notice the cookie dough in Tolly's mouth.)

Free came to me with his tooth in his hand late last night and we chose a Love Box to put it in under his pillow.  As we were walking back to his room, we saw a bat outside, hovering around the window.  Free thought it was cool and said, "That's my tooth fairy."  A bat?  Yep.  Boys' tooth fairies are bats.  Didn't you know that?  I'm not one to question a Tooth Bat who leaves a dollar under a kid's pillow!  Plus, Free went right back to bed when I told him the Tooth Bat would fly away if he wasn't asleep.  Frankly, The Bat is more on the ball than the fairies who are supposed to leave money for the girls at our house.  Some of those tooth fairies are pretty flaky.  The Bat got the job done the first night, so he definitely has my vote as Best Tooth Fairy Ever.  Here's Freestone's version of the story.


Jennie said...

Oh my... what a handsome kid! I totally hear ya on the flakey tooth fairy. Our's has been known to be quite flakey. We have to search the room and while one child is searching one corner, I'll be searching the other. After our search, we of course find the loot. Why does she make things so hard! :)

Kristi said...

what cute boys you have. I love how you captures these slice of life, every day moments so well.

Anonymous said...

The tooth bat makes me laugh! Thank you for taking Emi to the park today:)