Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Working Girl

At piano, Xanthe's teacher gave her an assignment for the week to draw some treble G's on a piece of staff paper.  I gave the paper to Xanthe in the backseat, and by the time we got home, the paper was packed solid with treble G's.  The kid is intense.  She takes assignments verrrrry seriously.  I don't know if you remember the show'n'tell bag, but Xanthe was compulsive about coming right home from school and immediately putting four items in the bag to take the next time.  Even for church, she has to have her scriptures so she feels prepared when the teacher says, "Everybody who brought their scriptures, hold them in the air!"  She has a fit if she doesn't have anything to hold up.

On the other hand, she feels no compunction to obey her mother at all.  It's like she has a split personality!  If her preschool teacher had asked her to fly to the moon, she would have somehow gotten in touch with NASA.  But if I say, "Why don't you sit in the shade and eat a popsicle," she'll shout, "NO!"  And then, "I want to have a popsicle in the shade."  Like it was her idea.  I think I finally have her number.  Instead of hurrying to unload the dishwasher while Xanthe is writhing around whining "What should I dooooooooooooo,"  I gave her the job of unloading.  It's an hour later, and she's still taking each dish and painstakingly placing it in the appropriate cupboard.

And I just figured this out today.  Am I a complete idiot?  There could have been peace and quiet in our household ages ago!  Next, I'm going to have her shuck the corn for dinner.  That should buy me the rest of the afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Great discovery! Maybe we'll try it here:)

Catherine said...

My friend had an 'I'm Bored' jar and in it was some fun stuff like bake cookies with mom or read a book but more choices were scrub a toilet or take out the trash. Her kids found things to do a lot more often rather than coming to her and saying 'I'm bored!'

laurel said...

Hee he hee!