Friday, March 9, 2012

The '80's Are Back

I don't know how they did it, but the '80's came back.  These pictures don't do Ari's ensemble justice, but she looked like a young, untroubled, Mormon Cyndi Lauper when she left for school this morning.  She just needs a few more piercings and some bangs.  Maybe a pair of jelly shoes and a couple of fluorescent accessories.  Darn, I wish I had kept my hot pink Guess? sweatshirt.  It was about all I had to mark me as an '80's girl.  I have always been far too lazy to subscribe fully to the fashion du jour.  I pretty much look the same as I always did, minus the "Tender Teal" blue eye shadow that I thought I couldn't leave the house without as a youth.  I "Guess?" I was more eighties than I thought with my make-up choices.  Hey, I was a material girl, and girls just wanna have fun.

I hope Ari has fun today.  She and her friends made a pact to dress up fancy and play-act being popular girls.  (OK, that's how you know your daughter isn't popular.  Just sayin'.)  She was so excited about dressing up, she "couldn't concentrate on practicing" this morning.  Fingers crossed that pretending to be popular was a popular concept among Ari's friends and not just a rogue Ari idea.  There's nothing worse than going to school dressed like Madonna and having it backfire on you.  I know;  I went to school in 1985 in a pair of 501's that I had Rit dyed bright yellow.  Midway through the day, all the bleach and dye started taking its toll and my pants literally disintegrated off my body.  I had to hide the giant holes in the rear by wearing a sweater tied around my waist.  That worked until the pants just started peeling off in shreds.

Rit dye is powerful stuff.  So is peer pressure.  The 501 disaster might have been the last time I tried to be cool.  For Ari, it's her first time trying to be cool.  Here's to no disintegration!


Anonymous said...

Ari looks darling, hope it is a successful day for her. With a smile like that and the kindness she shows to everyone how can you not help but be successful in friendships and being popular. She is a darling young lady with so much potential,,,she thinks outside the box and works things out...which is great..hope she has a great look darling. Love, Aunt Tricia XO

The homestead said...

She looks so cute. I hope part of being a "popular girl" is being nice to everyone. I'm sure she brought that characteristic to the definition of popular girl.

Kristi said...

Ari cracks me up! I love her approach to life, and I really love your take on it all.

Michelle said...

If all else fails I have Girls just wanna have fun on DVD you could watch together for fashion tips! Hope she had a fun day. And you have always been cool!

sws said...

again, I laughed out loud. I so remember the pink sweatshirt and the Rit Dye pants. so funny! What about the Guess overalls? wow. Ari looks fantastic. She has always had a great sense of style.

Nate said...

Ari looks really cute in her '80's style. That wasn't so very long ago for me though:) Hey a few moms are going to meet at Barnes Park on Fridays around 11:15ish. I know your schedule is really tight but if you have time on a Friday it would be fun to see you there.

laurel said...

She looks great. but I am with you on the 80's thing. When Kenzie had her dance last month with an 80's theme and we went shopping, I couldn't believe the recycled stuff out there. It just made me laugh.