Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Father of the Year

Scott sent me this video and it inspired me to champion my kids.  Not by smoothing the way for them, but by expecting more out of them and myself and our family.  As the young man and his father show in the video, we are all capable of so much.  I also needed to be reminded of this today as I try to make a success of this family.  I love them all so much, just as they are.  They are all little bundles of perfection, even in their "imperfection."


Jennie said...

What a great video (and previous post). Anything to do with U of L has a special place in our heart due to our travels there for Jackson's specialists. What an amazing father and son.

Nate said...

Wow!! What a reminder to be grateful for all we have been given. And he is incredible.

Michelle said...

Fine, just start me off crying inspired tears this morning. Actually, that is a great way to start the morning. I often think about the post you wrote where you said that these kids did not come to us broken. They came just the way they should be. So I think of that and try not to mess them up. Thanks for the inspiration!