Friday, March 23, 2012

Our Idaho Gem

Golda and Ruby have a counselor at school who is just phenomenal.  Today was Ruby's SEOP where we outlined a plan for 8th grade and beyond.  I wish the girls could just keep Mrs. Ferrell in their closet all the time to give them positive affirmations every time they open the closet door.  She is so gung ho about planning for a happy and successful future, she inspires kids to get to work and achieve.  Ruby had been trying to decide whether to do the honors classes offered in 8th grade in English, science, math and history.  After Mrs. Ferrell's in-depth analysis of the benefits of Honors, Ruby's decision was, "I want to do the honors classes.  All of them."  A mom could just stand up and cheer!!

One of the things the counselor said today, I really took to heart.  We were looking over Ruby's report card.  Ruby's hard work paid off this term and she got a 4.0 and all H's.  Mrs. Ferrell really laid on the praise, effusing over Ruby's accomplishment and making it a point to tell her that not many students come through with all H's in citizenship.  Then she asked Ruby, "Have you really taken the time to think about your accomplishment and tell yourself thank you for doing such a great job?  Have you stopped to really enjoy what it feels like to have earned this?"  Basking in your success as a motivator for future success.  Good idea!  So taking Mrs. Ferrell's advice, I wanted to celebrate Ruby through the blog today, telling her how proud I am of her.  I am astounded at how grounded and focused she is on her goals.  Mrs. Ferrell talked about "filling your basket" with life skills and knowledge so that you will have skills at your disposal, no matter what life throws at you.  Being the emotional wreck that I am, it brought tears to my eyes to look at bright little Ruby and know that life will throw hard things at her.  Would that I could shield her!  But it's good to know that Ruby's basket is filling up with skills she can use;  gaining knowledge and good study habits, teaching, dancing, studying music, raising children, cultivating friendships, developing a relationship with her Heavenly Father, keeping her room and bathroom clean, cooking, getting along with siblings, being grateful, reading, writing, thinking, laughing...

Keep filling that basket, Ruby.  It's already full of beautiful things.  We are proud of you and we're so happy to take the time to celebrate your hard work and the wonderful person you are.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Ruby, Congratulations on such a wonderful the teacher and your mom said, "Keep filling that basket, because there will be times in years ahead you will need it, and you will reach in and pull out things you have put in to help you through the good and the bad times. Proud of you, keep up the good work!...We are all proud of you, The Miami Clan XOXOX...P.S. It is okay to give yourself a pat on the back, you can say "job well done"...keep it up!..Remember there is nothing in life that if we have the right tools we cannot face or do..some things may be harder but we can face them and do them with the right tools in our "Basket". Love, XOXOXO Miami Clan

Catherine said...

Wow Ruby! That's awesome!!!

You are a treasure to your parents and family and all those that know you!

Congrats and have fun with those honors classes! You're going to do great!!!

Michelle said...

Ruby has always been one of the girls I most admire and want Brittany to be like. She is fabulous and deserves to bask in her accomplishments, the counselor's praise and her mother's love.

Nate said...

Congratulations to Ruby! Yes, we would all have 20 children if they could be like her. Fun to see you today at the park. Sorry Yao Yao and Kai were so curious about Tizzy.

Jennie said...

Way to go Rubes!!! That is awesome. Jr. High is challenging. You are doing a wonderful job staying on top of everything. I hope (and know) this success will continue for you. Yeah Rubes!!!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Wow- what great children you have! Tell Ruby excellent job!

sws said...

I know my Thursdays would be horrible without Ruby! She is such a great example to all of us.

laurel said...

Way to go girl!

love.boxes said...

Wow! Stellar performance Miss Ruby! I think Mrs. Ferrell has a great point. It is wonderful to achieve academically, but to have all H's shows that you did it with grace, kindness, thoughtfulness and respect... truly wanting in our culture today. Hooray Ruby!

Kristi said...

She really is impressive, and so good at so many things. She has a sweetness about her too. I enjoyed our quick visit. She is going to do great things!