Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cookie Thief

At the store there was a big grocery cart full of day-old St. Patrick's Day cookies.  An older gentleman was standing next to them and I noticed he had broken into one and was munching on a cookie.  My heart went out to him!  There is nothing sadder than hunger.  I know its repercussions, too, having watched Xanthe try to overcome her fear about going hungry, left over from her infancy six years ago.  I just wish there wasn't so much hunger and lack in the world.

I happened to be behind the cookie sneaker in the check-out line.  He was buying two half-gallons of milk that had been marked down to 25 cents each.  The milk had to have been on the verge of going bad.  I had visions in my head of slipping money into this man's pocket, of paying for his purchase, of giving him my food.  Sadly, I was too chicken to help him in any way.  Even more sad, the fact remains that the cookie man's hunger isn't unique.  Millions of people are hungry for food, millions more are hungry for affection, concern, friendship, love, compassion, hope.  Remember the Little Princess (Frances Hodgson Burnett), when she finds a coin and buys two rolls?  I wish everyone at least had a steaming hot roll each morning.  Is that too much to ask?  I wish everyone was warm and safe.  I wish I could wipe the worry off each face that goes through the check-out in the grocery store.  I wish I could go to Smith's without getting all emotional about a day-old cookie!  But this is what sleep deprivation does to me.  Hopefully, I can find a positive way to channel my empathy and make some small corner of the world a better place.  Cookie, anyone?


Shane and Kenzie said...

Reading this post reminds me of why I look up to people like you. It is so refreshing to hear that there are people who are sensitive to the needs of others instead of just worrying about themselves. I think that you did just that by bringing Xanthe into your home! Shane and I hope to someday do the same :)

laurel said...
