Thursday, March 8, 2012

Life Is Sweet

Sweet:  Ruby's cell cake for extra credit in science.  Have you ever eaten a cake decorated with mitochondria?  Ptolemy's reaction to the cake was, "What in the woyold?!"  (translation: world).  He tried hard not to eat it.

Sweet:  Ari and Freestone making cookies together.  A chocolate cake mix, two eggs, chocolate chips and 1/2 cup oil.  Easy.  There are no pictures because the cookies were soooo good.  They went fast.

Not So Sweet:  The cookies were meant to make the kids forget about Ward Pie Night, but they were SO easy to make, the kids had their coats on, ready to go, right on time.  They forgot nothing.

Ultra Sweet:  Cookies AND pie in one night.

Even Sweeter:  Ptolemy bypassed the chocolate chips this morning and went straight for the hard stuff.  A five pound bag of sugar, poured into a bowl in the pantry and eaten right out of his hands.  Can you say HEAVEN?

While a bowl full of sugar might be heaven for Ptolemy (forget the spoonful; that's for sissies), other things are sweet to me. The feel of Tziporah's tiny meatloaf-sized body in my arms or Xanthe's silky hair when I blow-dry it, the sound of Golda's flute trickling down the stairs or Ruby's guitar wafting up through the air vents, the sight of my handsome husband tying his tie in the morning or tucking kids in at night.  The smell of fresh flowers on the table or dinner in the oven.  Sweet isn't just for the taste buds.  The nectar of life is meant to be enjoyed by all the senses, and there's no better time than when the promise of spring fills the air with possibility.

"That it will never come again is what makes life sweet."
 - Emily Dickinson


Julia said...

Your family is so beautiful! The one of Golda in her blue dress looks like you with long hair? Who has the body of their teen? Oh, you do! And Golda face is so beautiful. Those freckles and eye lashs are priceless.

Jennie said...

We do have a pretty sweet life! I love all the pics. Oh my gosh. That one of X and Tiz is precious. They look like they are telling each other a story. What a sweet pic of sisters. Have a great weekend!

sws said...

such an important reminder. It's inspiring that you can keep everything in focus when life is so busy. You inspire us all!

Kristi said...

mmmmm.... such cute pictures from your sweet life. Tziporah's birth announcement has been making me smile all week. Thanks for sending one our way. I have a little something pink to bring by, but I've stayed away with a cough/cold. Next week is Disneyland, but after that I hope you are up for a visitor. I'm glad she is staying tiny, tell her to hold on for another week or two. Can't wait to see both of you!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Love the pictures! And eating the sugar- totally something my kids would do. I love your blog!