Thursday, March 29, 2012


Xanthe has a big goose egg on her forehead!  When I asked her about it, she said,  "It just happened! It just HAPPENED when I was on the zip line."  I asked her if she fell off and she said,  "I fall off lots of times."  I asked her if she hit her head on the ground or something and she said,  "I don't know, I wasn't watching.  I wasn't really watching or sumpin."  She has no idea how she got a big, swollen lump on her head.

Weird.  Did she hit her head hard enough to erase her memory?  I know she has problems with spatial relations, but seriously?  Cute little Xanthe, it's a good thing we got her bangs cut to cover up the goose egg.


Catherine said...

Ouch!! Poor little one!

My experience (as little as it is) is that goose eggs stay there forever! Hannah bopped herself a good one on a cabinet at a friend's house on CNY in January - still has a bit of a lump!

laurel said...

So sorry! Maylin is pretty accident prone. She is always having boo boos without knowing how.