Friday, May 4, 2012

He Bought the Tent.

Yes, he did.  And he bought three sleeping bags, too.  But he's already paying the price for his folly:  A Fathers and Sons Camp Out!  Ha ha!  How's that new tent, Scott?  How's the mummy bag?

Actually, they're having a great time.  They called from The Tent late tonight and all Free and Tolly kept saying was, "We're in a tent!  A tent!  We're IN a TENT!"  Ptolemy had had no idea what we meant when we kept asking him today if he was excited to go camping, but he picked up on the vibe that we wanted him to be excited, so he was.  Agreeable little guy.  Except for one small detail.  I didn't tell Scott that Ptolemy burst into tears when I told him he was going to sleep in a tent.  He cried, "I don't want to sleep in a tent!  I want to sleep in my cwib!"  I told Scott that Tolly couldn't WAIT to go camping. Lie?  Maybe a little.  But if you buy a tent, you gotta have kids to put in it, right?  Besides, Scott, Ptolemy didn't even know what a tent was.  And I knew he'd love it.  In other words, I knew...wait for it...THAT YOU WERE RIGHT.  *sigh*

BUT, the girls had some fun of our own. We didn't waste any time getting the Girls' Weekend rolling.  Not five seconds after the Father and Sons drove up the street, we girls were eating chocolate pudding cake and Cherry Chocolate Chip ice cream. We had no time to lose.  Scott, with two little boys on their first camping trip?  Let's be honest, they could have been home at any time, depending on the adaptability of our wilderness-deprived youngsters.  And the gals had a lot planned!  With cake and ice cream under our belts, Golda chose Xanthe to be her plus-one to see the Davis High Dance Company performance.  Ruby, Ari, Tziporah and I dropped them off on our way to Ruby's guitar recital.  I was a tiny bit thankful to be sitting in a lovely recital hall instead of in close proximity to a smoky fire with a bunch of boys ranging in age from one to 89.  Then again, I'm sure Scott was a tiny bit grateful to be sitting next to a smoky fire with his boys instead of in a lovely recital hall listening to other people's kids play the guitar.  So we both came out happy.

Ruby and Atticus played a duet.  They stayed right together and pulled it off, despite some broken nails.  Aah, the bane of a guitarist's existence: broken nails.  My batch of kids and I enjoyed Jude's usual delicious spread of food before returning to Dear Old Davis to pick up Golda and Xanthe.  Golda raved about the performance while Xanthe fell asleep in the back seat.  Again, two different takes on one experience.  :)  Once we were home and the littles were off to bed, the bigs and I caught up on all our favorite TV shows.  Oh, the luxury of not having to share time with Sports Center! 

I know that one of these days, I'll be the one in the tent.  So for now, I'm going to take advantage of my nice, warm bed.  How's the foam pad again, Scott? Good?  Fifty percent chance of rain or snow, did you say?

You're a good dad.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like some good memories, tent and all! in the making, ones that the kids will never forget. One of our camping trips in a tent was Girls' camp, some of the others consisted of sleeping bags in the back of our Blazer with a lantern, and a little table top BBQ at Cherry Hill, was fun and to this day still remembered. Keep us posted how Scott and boys did!...cute pictures. XO Tricia

jenn said...

I'm jealous I may not get a girls night with my daughters until all my boys get married! until then who is going to watch "So you think you can dance" and the "Bachelor" with me?!

Michelle said...

Wow! You go Scott! Wonder how they did in that wind? And was cold this morning too! But they are tough boys, they probably didn't even notice! Sounds like you all made good memories this weekend!

Nate said...

Makes me glad it is Fathers and Sons and not Mothers and Daughters at those campouts. But hope it was a great weekend all around.

laurel said...

Great. Glad you have Scott. Glad I have Jay. I don't really do the campout thing. Love girls nights!

The homestead said...

I'm thinking YW camp director for you after this post. You might find you like sleeping in a tent with a little ambien. Hope the boys had a good time. Sounds like the girls did :)