Monday, May 14, 2012


"Ari, I got a call from your teacher.  He said you called your friend a name."
"Well, she was being a crybaby!"
"Ari, you're still doing it!"

Freestone:  "Xanthe, think fast!  (Throws a ball, hits her in the face.)  Xanthe, you didn't think at ALL!"

Coco:  Xanthe, don't let the kittens in the house.
Xanthe: What house?
This house.  Where we live.
The kittens are already in the house.
No, they're on the porch.
What porch?
The porch where the kittens sleep.
The kittens aren't asleep.
Um, I think you mom wants you to come home!

Circe:  Coco said you guys could name one of the kittens.  Xanthe, what is your favorite name in the whole world?
Xanthe:  (in a dreamy voice) The Ninety-nine Cent Store.

Ptolemy:  Mom, you have to talk to me.  You HAVE TO!
OK, let's talk.
Don't say OK to me! 
Don't say that to me!

Then, finally, Ari and I found some common ground...

"Ari, you can't just set up a tent whenever you want without asking permission."
"Ya, Daddy yelled at me for like a half-an-hour about it."
*sigh* "Parents."
*sigh* "I know."


Queen Elizabeth said...

Love it.

Catherine said...

LOL! What fun to remember all these fun things your kiddos said!

laurel said...

ALL are so funny, but I do have to say that the 99 cent store has to be my favorite.

Michelle said...

You are so smart to write these down, cause they are classics!

Anonymous said...

So funny!..Kids answer you in their own words whether has anything to do with the subject you just asked them about!...then they think they answered you...These are classics, "What house and 99 cent store" are favorites..but also Ari's justification of why she called her friend a name!...Thanks for sharing XO Tricia..actually all are good..the one of Ptolemy telling you not to say OK is like "Don't look at me!" response kids have.

Shane and Kenzie said...

Oh gosh...can't stop laughing! I am extremely tempted to get a new animal and name him or her, the ninety nine cent store. HAHA! love those kid quirks.