Saturday, May 26, 2012


So I learned a lot about myself by making a list of fun summertime activities.  Jennie was generous enough to take my list and turn it into this darling and fun-inspiring poster.  Thanks!

While emailing the list to Jennie, I started to get antsy.  I wanted to start checking things off right away.  I even wanted to put things on the list that we've already done, just for the satisfaction of checking them off.  I began this internal dialogue about the "rules" of the list, such as how many family members have to be present for an activity to count, when can we officially start, what happens if we don't get it all done, how will I feel if I change my mind and don't want to do these things? 

I was complaining to our piano/violin teacher about how some of my students don't fill out their weekly practice charts.  She has the same problem and told me that some people are list people and some people are not list people.  Not list people.  Hmm...

Apparently I'm a list person.  I like check marks.  I'm totally motivated by empty boxes.  It's the only reason I practice with Freestone some days.  He is a list person too, and he has to check every box.  On the other hand, he categorically refuses to do anything that is not on the list.  That's my fear with my summer list, that I won't want to do the least thing unless it's something I can check off!  I've decided that Memorial Day weekend is the official start to summer, so we can start making those check marks tout suite.  Now I'm worried that we'll get everything done and it won't be a challenge, or we'll do all the fun stuff first and have all the painting projects left at the end.  Geez, maybe I'm not the kind of person who should have a list.  Lists can be dangerous in the wrong hands.  I'm not giving it up, though.  Just seeing that happy little list is awakening a sunny thrill as I look forward to summer break.  Do you know, according to the list, we must make pilgrimages to our ancestral town of Kingston, Utah, and venture into Wyoming.  We have to hit Lagoon and Cherry Hill and plan and execute all kinds of parties.  At Freestone's request, we must watch T.V. and play video games.  Ari says there has to be a sleepover and we're also locked into some redecorating.  Just having a list makes everything an adventure.

Unless it's something that's not on the list.  In that case, I have another list.  It's a blank piece of paper on which we can write all the adventurous things we do that aren't on the original list.  I guess I'm a rule person too.  I like making them up as I go along.  And putting check marks next to them. 


Nate said...

Your list looks so fun:) Good luck to Xanthe in her French Immersion class. It is amazing what they expect from these young students and they seem to rise to the challenge!

Jennie said...

Oh no. I hope this little list idea of ours hasn't already ruined your summer. :) I'm sure no matter what you do, whether it is on or off the list, will be fun. You have a talent for that. Oh, and the pizza song was so cute. We are crossing our fingers for X and for Col. Hopefully this summer French will really help to propel them forward. Hope all the D Girls are having fun tonight! Give Lex kisses for us.

Jennifer said...

You must read the Frog and Toad story, "The List." When his to-do list blows away he can't run after it because chasing his list is not on the list.

jenn said...

I'm a box checker too, I always write things i have already done just so I can check them off!