Thursday, May 31, 2012

No More Emails, No More Books!

Emails the likes of which nobody will miss:

Hi! It's Golda. I still can't find the textbook.  I remember putting it on the book rack with all the other books.  Can I go through and check the books, just to see if the one that has my number on it is there, or maybe somewhere else. The number was 2008-11. Thanks!  (Book was found!)

 Hi, um I did the UTIPS test I believe last Tuesday or something and it's showing as missing. I got 97%; missed one (the question about conducting to be exact). I remember submitting it, did I do something wrong? I know I did it. Thanks!  (Teacher had received the test.)

Can I come in before school on Tuesday to take the test? Or any time Tues or Wed? Just ASAP Thanks! ~Golda  (Done.)

 I was wondering if I could come in after school and take the final Com. Tech. test. If you can't do it then I could come before school instead. Or whatever, I just want to do it late as possible, so I can have more study time. Thanks!
Golda Dopp 9th 
(Done the last possible day.)

 I turned my term project in early for extra credit, and I got 100%, but no extra credit. Did I forget something that took off points for the original papers? (I went to the zoo and the Utah House) I really needed it to raise my grade:) Thanks!  Golda  (Resolution still pending.  Needs the extra credit for an A.  Mrs. B?...You still there?)

Thankfully, school is dying a slow, painful death and I can almost finally say:

No more emails, no more books!
No more lunch ladies' dirty looks!

Ahh, the Lunch Lady Incident.  Now that's one for the books.  But I said no more books...right, Ruby?  :) 


Shane and Kenzie said...


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe Golda will be a sophomore!..Congratulations to all the kids for advancing and jobs well done!..can't believe its end of school but I bet all you mothers are agreeing, "no more books, no more emails, no more lunch ladies dirty looks!." Now, let the good times roll and everyone have a fun-filled exciting and rememorable summer..have fun kids and mothers!...XO Tricia...P.S. Hope you get that A Golda, handing it in ahead of time and getting 100 surely deserves extra credit and an A!.

Michelle said...

Amen! But look at what a great job she did resolving those issues!

Kristi said...

Hoory for summer! We are over all things school at our house too!